When I can't ignore the 3D circumstances #manifestation as a Christian

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1 month ago

Something I realized when I learnt about manifestation is the emphasis that I manifest everything, good and bad, in my life, and that was a very hard pill to swallow because I think of people who have been abused even in their childhood. Did they manifest the abuse? It’s rather cruel especially without a gracious external Savior who would be compassionate to them. Also, why do I have to suffer even though I’m very much a rule-follower and law-abiding citizen, when other people can have life easy for them because they have a badass self-concept with affirmations such as “I always get what I want”? The only theology on suffering I sense in the law of assumption is this: if my desire hasn’t manifested yet, I should persist, persist, persist, yet sometimes I really don’t see anything happening and not only is it discouraging, the fact that nothing’s happening, uh, yet, impacts my mental health as well. I feel like I’m going crazy, and there’s cognitive dissonance between my intentions for manifestation and the cruel reality. I feel like my delusions are unjustified and I should just snap out of it and accept my suffering and be content with not living the life of my dreams, because dreams are just imaginary, right? And let go. But the inner manifestation coach inside me says that I’m still operating under the assumption that there are causes outside of myself, when the so-called truth is there is no one to change but self, and that the reality is a hologram of my own mind, of my own making, and that I should own the bad as well as the good, and remember my past successes including those of me manifesting my worst fears and worries. In manifestation world, if I suffer or shortchange myself, it’s because I have chosen suffering and stopping myself short over insistence on getting what I want—I had succumbed to the temptation to slack off than be determined to get the money I want or the opportunity I crave or a very very specific person instead of just anybody who crosses my life path and checks all my boxes. Some people manifest a different specific person, usually a romantic interest, after they stop insisting on the one they’ve fixated upon. In my experience, I really wanted one so badly, and I got him, but I wish I had done better and got him to contact me more often. Next time I’d make another video on my thoughts on reality shifting and parallel timelines or universes and what the Bible says about such concepts, given that it’s also discussed in mainstream quantum physics. If we live in an observer-dependent reality, does it invalidate the presence of absolute truth? Now, over to you: What do you think are major differences between what’s taught in manifestation and what we’ve learnt in Christianity, whether it’s from the Bible or from mainstream sources?
Photo by ardeshir etemad: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-a-rat-trapped-inside-the-cage-69221/

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