Marvel IRON FIST (I M M O R T A L Cut) copyright disclaimer/ opening

6 months ago

Working on a FanEdit Project,
Marvel's IRON FIST (I M M O R T A L Cut)
It centers more heavily on the Marvel Comics hero (Daniel Rand-Kai/ Iron Fist) of the same name with improved pacing, incorporated elements and a more complete story and unique character study dive from the show's movie's and comic's individual sources.

Video Description:
Copyright disclaimer, Marvel titlecard and the 1945 prelude opening of my FanEdit where post-WWII Captain America leads his team across dangerous battlegrounds of europe eventually leading to a foreign relations mission in the himalayan mountains of asia where unbeknownst to them they have stumbled upon the outskirts of K'un-L'un and are unknowingly confronted by Orson Randall/ Iron Fist (Daniel Rand-Kai's predecessor)

I hope you enjoy this small teaser of
IRON FIST The Immortal Cut

#marvelironfist 🐉👊🔥
#TheImmortalCut 🎬
#FISTorians 📖

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