EP. 127 - Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch EXPOSING FAKE JUDGES!!! Also Counter-Claim Update

6 months ago

Correction: The word "ship" was spelled incorrectly in a caption my apologies!

Now we know there are so-called "Administrative Judges" who "like to wear robes" according to him who are NOT REAL JUDGES! It is critical to realize that he is touring the country to not just sell his book, but to expose the corruption in our system. The answer is "We the People". We have the right to abolish a government that is committing treason against us.

So why are these administrators JUDGING us as people when they are not even legitimate judges?

Full interview with Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch at the Reagan Library: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaW1-dBkjKo

Why are we losing our property systematically in this Babylonian Banking system, as the middle class is diminishing in this economy which is unsustainable?

It is time we put our [s]elected so-called "Officials" under a microscope. Get their Oath of Office and if they have not taken one to the people and are committing treason against the people, WE THE PEOPLE must unite and say No More to this tyranny. While our children are being brain-washed and ruined by our Rockefeller school-system. To train us to be obedient, mindless slaves to work long, hard hours so that they don't have to.

It is time that the people unite and STAND in the truth. The truth matters, but it does not matter in these court systems. There MUST BE DUE PROCESS and these "Hearing Officers" do not have any authority over us at all. In the meantime our police departments and sheriff departments do the bidding of these people committing treason against us.

If and when mandates come down the pike for any variant they try to push on us, we must NOT COMPLY!!!

Laws are being broken against the people every single day as the divide between the rich and poor becomes more vast.

We need to get off of the plantation, we are not slaves. Never should have been and should never be again! We who see need to be the Light Warriors who stand in the gap for those who do not yet see. We will help them make this journey to awaken to the TRUTH!

We were lied to about who we are and how powerful we are. It's time we wake up and begin to STAND in the truth and LIVE! Manifest great things for your life and never waiver in your faith and stance for the TRUTH... because the TRUTH MATTERS!

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