Muslims remaining in Russia are experiencing inhumane treatment.

6 months ago

Human rights advocates from various organizations report widespread violations of the law and abuse of power by law enforcement agencies. The organization Tong Juhoni reports that in the first two weeks after the terrorist attack, more than 8,500 migrants requested legal assistance. They complained of unfair dismissal, biased inspections and even assaults. Lawyers say people report being subjected to torture. They are kept outside in cold weather, they are not allowed in the buildings and they go without food for days. They are only allowed to drink water from the tap in the bathroom, which they can access once a day. Human rights defender Valentina Chupik, who specializes in migrant issues, shared the following. I am currently in contact with guys, citizens of Uzbekistan, who worked in Balachika. They worked legally. Rosgvardija and policemen broke into their bedroom, beat them all, threw them on the floor and then took them to the police station. 78 people were detained. They robbed people of all their money and forced them to make bank card transfers. But the saddest part of this story is that they were beaten with a metal rebar in their home. One of them had his eye gouged out. They just pulled him out of the socket, while the other one had one arm broken in three places by that metal rod. We receive dozens of such messages every day. The courts behave absolutely disgracefully. They just deport everyone. Most often they deport people without any hearings. It was incredible when on Sunday, in the Meshchansky district court of the city of Moscow, about 280 people were brought to the yard. After they stood in the yard in the cold for several hours, without food, water or toilet, the judge appeared at the window and through the window said: In the name of the Russian Federation, everyone has been deported and closed the window. . That's it.#columbine#farright#taylorswift

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