Israel Is Rape

7 months ago

Israel Is Rape

August 18, 2024


Caitlin Johnstone

"Israel is a lunatic state." ~Dr. Norman Finkelstein

A new poll published at Israel's Institute for National Security Studies has reportedly found that 65 percent of Israeli Jews oppose criminal charges for IDF troops accused of gang raping a Palestinian prisoner to the point of severe injury, preferring only internal measures within the Israeli military be taken instead. Only 21 percent believed the accused rapists should be criminally prosecuted, with the remaining 14 percent unsure.

During the initial right-to-rape protests in Israel, The New York Times outdid itself with the unbelievably obfuscatory headline “Unrest at Army Bases Highlights a Long Battle for Israel’s Soul”, with neither the headline nor the sub-headline making any mention of rape at all. California State University professor Asad Abukhalil quipped on Twitter, “The headline is actually accurate if you understand that Israel’s soul is rape.”

And he has a point. Rape is deeply interwoven throughout the fabric of Israeli society. In a sense, Israel is rape.

The phrase “every accusation is a confession” has been thrown around a lot since October, and for good reason. People who are deeply messed up and dysfunctional inside don’t typically have the internal resources and creativity to come up with accusations out of thin air, so they tend to just accuse people they don’t like of whatever they have going on inside themselves. If you ever have to deal with a malignant narcissist or sociopath in your personal life, you can often understand their behavior a lot better by mentally reversing the accusations they level at people and interpreting them as confessions about themselves.

Israel and its defenders shrieked and hollered so fervently about unsubstantiated rape rumors on October 7 because they themselves have a perverse relationship with sex and bodily sovereignty. Which should not be surprising given that Israel itself is a state that is built on the notion that you can simply take what you want from people because it is owed to you. The entire society is based on this premise.

This has nothing to do with Jewishness or Judaism. It’s just the attitude any population will develop if they are indoctrinated from birth into believing it’s their right to take things that belong to other people, which is precisely what was done to the Palestinians when a modern apartheid ethnostate was dropped on top of them out of nowhere by western colonizers and their western backers.

Just like the ongoing mass atrocity we are witnessing in Gaza, this fondness for rape is just one of the many, many symptoms of the injustice and abusiveness that the state of Israel is founded on and built from.

Reading by Tim Foley

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I write about the end of illusions. 100% reader-funded writer. All works co-authored with my American husband Tim Foley.


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