American Farmer says he’s tested his soil and it has 5x the amount of aluminum it used to have.

4 months ago

The GMO seeds grow fine, all his heirloom seed crops are all the sudden failing (shows proof)
Reminder, Bill Gates is creating GMO seeds that grow in aluminum rich soil.
We are being ruled by extremely evil people and one day only their GMO seeds will be the ones that grow. Total control of our food supply.
About the photo:
How to increase hemoglobin
▪️ Grate raw carrots and beets on a coarse grater 300g each, add 300g of honey. Stir and put in the refrigerator.
✔️ Take 1 tbsp. 1 time a day, in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals.
After a week hemoglobin will increase to normal.
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PS. I have decided to not monetize my channel because I'm just the messenger and I don't feel right about making money off of others hard work...
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I am ---> "Conspiracy theorist: Someone who questions the statements of known liars."
Democracy. The only political system that runs purely on legalized treason & bribery....
Repeat a LIE often it becomes isreal....

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