2024 - 08-12 - 'Neesun Dorma' - the secrete message President Trump gave at the 2024 RNC

5 months ago

2024 - 08-12 - 'Neesun Dorma' - the secrete message President Trump gave at the very end of the 2024 RNC convention.

In this last production scene of the RNC Convention we see that President Trump completed his acceptance speech, and the President along with all of his family are on-stage celebrating.

Imagine the RNC Convention stage with White House is glowing in Red, White and Blue - the Balloon Drop has started.

Great music provided by the Nashville band Sixwire continues for two songs, working the audience into a very exuberant state of mind.

The President is having a great time!
Then the band stops, quickly puts their instruments down, the music stage lights dim while the band walk off stage, and

Christopher Macchio presents himself and starts singing the Italian aria from Puccini’s opera Turandot.

Background slide with stage and Macchio on top screen.

So, Donald Trump ended his speech at the Republication National Convention with the song "Nessun Dorma," sparking questions about the meaning behind his musical choice.

As "Nessun Dorma" famously played during the climax of ‘The Sum of All Fear’, a film about eliminating terrorists and deep state actors looking to destabilize the world, many have suggested Trump may have been looking to send a message.

During Fox News' reporting on the RNC, a reporter pointed out how "Nessun Dorma" was found in ‘The Sum of All Fear’, a movie about "getting rid of terrorists and deep state actors." The network pointed out the "interesting theory" that President Trump may have been looking to "send a message to deep state actors."

After Trump has vowed on CNN to "demolish the deep state", the president-elect hopeful may have been looking to invoke connections to ‘The Sum of All Fear’ and his promises to ensure global and national peace.

Let’s watch how this unfolds:
I’ve placed two videos on the slide, one above the other.
The Top slide is actual video at the event while Macchio is singing – the audio you hear is from the RNC video broadcast.
The bottom video is cut from ‘the Sum of all Fears’ when this musical piece is background music as the Deep State players are eliminated.

Quite a masterful statement to leave the convention on!

The ending of the convention is an amazing story that may very well go down in history as one of those ‘moments’, when our president gave us a view of his full intention to destroy the deep state and restore America to its foundational beliefs and Constitution.

Just imagine for a moment, that YOU were Trump, and YOU choose the ending convention music, and YOU produced this specifically to send a message . . .

This should make all those who understand very hopeful and happy!

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