Model Behavior: Visualizing Global Carbon Dioxide

7 months ago

This global map of carbon dioxide was created using a model called GEOS, short for the Goddard Earth Observing System. GEOS is a high-resolution weather reanalysis model, powered by supercomputers, that is used to represent what was happening in the atmosphere — including storm systems, cloud formations, and other natural events. This model pulls in billions of data points from ground observations and satellite instruments – and has a resolution is more than 100 times greater than your typical weather model.

Universal Production Music: Prismatic by David Stephen Goldsmith [ PRS ]

Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Scientific Visualization Studio
Producer, Narration: Katie Jepson (KBR Wyle Services, LLC)
Scientist: Lesley Ott (NASA/GSFC)
Scientist: Brad Weir (USRA)
Writer: Jenny Marder Fadoul (Telophase)
Visualizer: A. J. Christensen (AVL NCSA/University of Illinois)
Technical support: Aaron E. Lepsch (ADNET Systems, Inc.)

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