Oak Hill Church of Christ 8-18-24 Message: "Are You Out On A Limb Or Hugging The Trunk?"

6 months ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the importance of using our God-given talents for God's Kingdom.

In the Psalms, David declares that before he was even born; when he was yet in his mother's womb, God knew the kind of man he would become, and what he would be capable of. God put him together, so the Psalm declares, knitting him piece by piece until he was whole.

God continues to do the very same for us to this day. When God puts you together, He knows what you're capable of. He knows what attributes He's giving you, and how they can be best put to use. The question is: whether you'll be a man after God's heart, or after another's.

It is indeed a good idea to fruitfully use your God-given talents to support yourself in the world. But, Jesus suggests in the Parable of the Talents, that some of that use belongs to God. It was God who gave you such tremendous possibilities, and God, likewise, watches to see how His investment turns out.

God yearns to say of all of His children "well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord" but that great honor does not come easily. Dedication and interest are needed, directed at those things which better God's Kingdom.

This week, consider what things you are doing, or might be able to do, to fully invest your talents in giving increase to God's Kingdom. Strive forward to the future hearing of God rewarding you for your hard work and determination.

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