if you know you know n if you don't you won't

1 month ago

don't let em win, re-direct yer energy
progress has never made anybody happy
disassociation was never a problem
reality is questionable when schizo
easily bored w/ people, places n thangz
my defense became my offense
i haven't smoked weed in over a year
if i use weed socially i will just withdrawal from conversation
i was an anti-social drinker
it's not the weed, it's totally me
why mock schizophrenia when you're addicted to tv
the last time i self-mutilated i had a bf
better than having a dark fantasy about you killing me
God saved me from drowning in multiple ways
it don't matter how monumentally self-destructive i'm prone to be cos God's got me
this lifestyle ain't for most people
chosen or sumin considering what my name means in gematria AND i'm adopted
you will never be man enough for me NOT A CHALLENGE
i'm man enough for me, fucked up in the head that's what that means
eventually i will force you to understand
maybe this explains why mental illness is considered a disease similar to addiction
how is it normal to yack to total strangers online
i promise it ain't autism
there's a movie playing in my head all the time
take it from me, i know what i'm talking about when it comes to me
i had to admit that my excessive marijuana habit was probably contributing to my schizophrenia
it's fun to fight w/ yer therapist
i still owe that mf $ but he told me he'd let it slide
i know how hard i am to take
my perspective is similar to patchouli oil
everyone else pretends to be right n brags about it every chance they get
good thing the internet ain't God cos it will never forgive
i'd love to forget these people but i can't
at least mental illness has made my life rather interesting
i wish everyone else could point out their hypocrisy
when do i not talk to myself (when the weed makes me catatonic)
driving under the influence of ag
if i could avoid it, i would never be a hypocrite
driving is very calming
so many literal receipts all cos i have a vagina
the sound of raccoon eyes
my self-righteousness comes from paying attention
if you had REALLY read 1984 you wouldn't have a smartphone
yes that orwellian future is possible becuz of society
proles just means plebian sheep

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