Flipping of the switch

6 months ago

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Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
18.07.2024 03.55

Very soon, to My Children all over the world. You will see the flipping of the switch!

Babylon has fallen! Babylon has fallen!
She has now fallen because her cup of iniquities is full. In one hour, in one hour the great city will fall and all the men on the Earth will see her fall.

The wealth that she stole from Me and My Children will be handed over to My Children.

I will take the wealth of the sinners that they have stored up for the righteous.

For those who are pure in their hearts and they have clean hands will see their full redemption, full recompense, full restoration.

The wicked man will receive his reward unless he repents. I don't want anyone to perish but I have given you the free will to choose.

You are free to choose to be a blessing or to do evil. I AM THAT I AM, are NOT forcing you. The decisions that you are making are completely your responsibility. I gave Adam and Eve free will. I gave the angels from the highest ranking to the lowest ranking, the free will. Every creation is born with a free will. I told Adam and Eve that they should take dominion and subdue the whole Earth. But they rebelled and they overturned their power to Satan the great deceiver.

Then I sent My beloved Son to the Earth and He took back what is rightfully His.

That is why My Children know that I have given you the power and the authority.

I have given you the heritage through My Son Yeshua Hamasiach.

Very soon My sons will be revealed and very soon the whole world will be filled with My glory. I AM THAT I AM, is speaking to all the inhabitants of the Earth.

Don't take lightly on holiness. Don't take lightly on My Words both the written and the prophetic words.

In these days and hours I Am raising a standard. I AM dethroning the old serpent of his grip on these people who have been stealing from You.

You are born to be in such glorious times as this. Nothing is happening by chance or by coincidence because everything is planned out by Me says the Lord of Host.

This is the year of jubilee. This is the year of open Heaven. This is the year of fulfillment of My promises.

Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!

My Children, You will be transformed as My Son is transformed.

I Am Your Everlasting Father.

Matthew 21, 12-13 Flipping the tables
Revelation 18, 2 Babylon has fallen
Proverbs 13, 22 The wealth of the sinners
Galatians 6, 7 Reaping what you sow
Galatians 6, 8
Genesis 1, 28 Take dominion
Genesis 3 In the garden
Luke 12, 32
1 Peter 1, 15-16 Holiness
Hebrew 12, 12
Isaiah 61, 1-2

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