HA! Tony Kinnett Hanging Out Undercover With Pro-Hamas Protesters At DNC The Funniest Damn Thing YET

1 month ago

Posted • August 19, 2024: Ok, this is funny. Sure, we'll be seeing lots and lots of footage of the unkempt, unshaven, stinky pro-Hamas protesters in the next four days (they are clearly not big fans of the current DNC ticket even though that very ticket was obvious pandering by the party) but knowing Tony Kinnett is not one of them, and his commentary, makes this even better. Take a look at the footage he posted of 'these goobers': https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1825325228072783878/pu/vid/avc1/720x1280/fds0UWyyrZ2Ov_KU.mp4 -- Piggy piggy go home, or we'll bring the wary home. What? Not exactly poets, are they? Rhyming ‘home’ with ‘home’ is pretty lazy. -- "DNC go home" and "Kamala go home" were also chanted. Ya' love to see it. Wait, hear it. -- Several leaders are laying these stickers on the street. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GVTdqI7WgAAeM0Z?format=jpg&name=large -- Yikes. That doesn't seem all that joyful to this editor.

Here's how organized and put together this effort really is: Protest leadership has no idea what to do now that there's no street left. They're holding a sign and we're all exchanging potluck recipes and trust fund dividends. We might hand out participation trophies soon to the furries with the most genders. Such great leadership here. Ha. HA ha. HA HA HA HA HA HA. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - HAA! Tony Kinnett Hanging Out Undercover With Pro-Hamas Protesters at DNC Funniest Damn Thing YET

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