The USA in Bible Prophecy - The Third Key of Revelation - Part 2

4 months ago

Twelve events are mentioned about 'the beast of the endtime'. The beast is described in Daniel 7 and in Revelation 17 and 13. We now think these twelve events will come to pass in this chronological order:
1. The destruction of the woman, riding the beast
2. The replacement of three of ten horns by an eleventh horn
3. The coming of the seventh head for 'a short time'
4. The ten horns giving their power to 'the beast'

---We claim the USA to be 'the eleventh horn' - which evolved into 'the seventh head', which will ultimately grow out to become the totality of beast of Revelation 17 and 13 and of Daniel 7 ---

---This is about where we are now in Bible prophecy concerning the USA and the state of affairs in the world - however the events 5 - 7 could largely fall together with event 4 ---

5. The beast rising up out of the sea
6. The ten horns ruling as kings with the beast for 'one hour'
7. The seventh head of the beast being slain and being healed

--Events 6 and 7 could come in opposite order, first the head slain, then the horns ruling with the beast, this we hope to study in a next video--

8. The beast rising up out of the bottomless pit
9. The beast coming out of the seven heads to become 'the eighth'
10. The beast blaspheming and waging war against the saints
11. The ten horns waging war against the Lamb
12. The beast going into perdition

This video leads up to event no. 4. We need at least one other video in which we hope to try to explain the events following - the thrilling future of planet earth under the rise and rule of the beast.

In the mean time we keep waiting for Him Who Alone is able to conquer the beast and to free humanity from each and every form of slavery - from without and from within. Amen! Come Lord Jesus!

Bible Texts:
Daniel 7
Revelation 17
Revelation 13

Hans Zimmer - Up Is Down
Anton Bruckner - Symphony No. 6 - Movements 4 and 1

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