5 months ago

LISTEN! One of the rare few Hollywood PATRIOTS.
Do NOT let FEAR rule over you, come NOVEMBER!
Do NOT say my VOTE does not count!!!
There have been and are many working AND dying behind the scenes.
How much are you shown and told???
Those soldiers have paid and are paying a steep or ultimate price, in order
to help, rescure, save others AND make sure your VOTE DOES COUNT.
Are you a FAITHFUL/FEARLESS warrior knight of Yah (GOD)
Are you a coward, lazy, weakling, rationalizing, non-participant in LIFE??
Y'shua ("Jesus") will account you among those walking dead, "asleep in death".
Sick and tired of seeing and hearing comments from those using EXCUSES,
such as "It's in God's hands". Yes, but he placed it all in OUR hands, too!
Or "my vote won't count", as already stated, question asked and answered!
"rigged"(been worked on), "no part OF this world", (but you're IN it), etc.
Plus, there is a whole LIST of "what ifs?", for those who have common sense logic insight and foresight.. some hindsight, too. SO?
You can't cross a bridge before you come to it!
So, take some time to THINK and PREPARE.
Where were YOU during the PRIMARIES? Did you VOTE?!?
Or do you already have a poor, weak attitude and/or yellow streak?
The turn out was dismal and was lamented by TRUE PATRIOTS.
So, just GIVE UP and SURRENDER, now! NOW!
Not just to your country-nation but to everyone, including your CREATOR!
Yes, to your loved ones, children, even patriot ANCESTORS!
This is a matter of LIFE and DEATH... WAR!
Where will YOU be, when the smoke clears?
What will YOU be able to say that you did? .. or didn't do?
A good EXCUSE is worse than a POOR REASON!
Look to the future. Foresight!
The past is gone, the future never here.
NOW is ALL that we EVER have!
NOW strap on your Ephesian ARMOR and let's ROLL! ⚔️🇺🇸🪖
Either you're part of the SOLUTION or you're part of the PROBLEM.
Either you're a child of CONSTRUCTION or DESTRUCTION.
There is NO other option and NO in between.
So, TELL me, tell US ALL, which is it going to be?!?
BRAVE martyr or CHICKEN martyr.
Expecting the RAPTURE before the final Shofar TRUMPET?
Then you do NOT know your Bible nor PROPHECY!
Repeat.. You have NO clue where WE are at on the prophetic timeline!
Also, ask yourself one question; Did the patriarchs and matriarchs of old simply lay down and die, WHEN IF they had a chance to FIGHT?
Name me ONE of any noteriety!!!
Another EXCUSE, Donald J. Trump is not my/your/our savior.
That RIGHT! He is NOT! He's an imperfect man, but appears to be a verified and confirmed TRUE PATRIOT!
Look at what all he had gone and been through.
Look at how hated he is by THE enemy, not just the ENEMIES.
They are YOUR enemies, also!
THEY want you DEAD and your CHILDREN, too!
Are you catching on, yet?!? If not, then you are not only HOPELESS, but also FAITHLESS and USELESS!
Cowards will NOT inherit the coming Kingdom!
Nor shall liars, deceivers and the like.
What did our Messiah tell us? We must be "OVERCOMERS".
Overcome fear / excuses or how will you be able to overcome SIN?!?
Patriot or Progressive?
Friend & Allie or Foe & Enemy??
God, country, family
Satan, destruction, DEATH??
Boots on the ground or head first, face down into the GRAVE?
Fate is mortal, Destiny is chosen.
Eyes Wide Open & Watch Your 6ix!
Messiah DIED so that you might LIVE!
Fight for your LIFE! 👊🏼😡
DIE for others! The is no greater honor.🎖️ ❤️
May your reward in the next life be great.
YAH help us all. 🤲🏼Your will be done! 🙏
NUMBERS 6:24-26
(((( There are only 2 choices; Everlasting Life or Everlasting Death. ))))

Last year's potential schedule has only moved up one year.
IF interpreting prophecy correctly, Rev. 8 begins around Passover.
Then you can start counting 1,260 days / 3.5 yrs. / 42 months.
This always leads to Sukkoth. (foreshadow of HIS return)
Early Harvest to Late Harvest.
Exodus / Resurrection & Rapture to Salvation / Victory.
Barley Wheat to Grapes of Wrath.

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