You cannot serve God and mammon (Undivided Service) - Part 1 - (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

7 months ago

Sunday Morning Preaching on Serving/Service
August 18, 2024

Ye cannot serve God and mammon
(Faithful Service is Undivided Service)
Text: Luke 16:13

Objective: that the brethren may serve the Lord wholly, undividedly

Define – Serve/service, mammon, Faithful, whole, undivided
Luke 16 context

Undivided Service the Lord Deserves:
1. It is Commanded by the Lord – 1 Samuel 7:3, Matt. 4:10
a. Important – He is a Jealous God
2. It Brings About Peace – 2Chron. 15:15
a. Includes victory over enemies
3. Leaders should be Example and Show the way
a. Many have done and lead the way - We can follow their examples
i. Numbers 32:12 – Joshua and Caleb
ii. Kings - 2 Kings 23:3 – King Josiah, 2 Chr 15:15 – King Asa
iii. Great leaders - Deut 30:15(Moses), Joshua 24:15(and our house/family)
iv. Others - Ruth 1:15
4. No Neutral in Serving
a. Mat 12:30; Mark 9:40; Luke 11:23 - Either or is the reality in service
5. You have to Decide and Choose the Lord over everything else
a. Realize that a Decision has to be made
i. The Lord did ask us to decide between Good (His side) and bad/evil-
1. Deut 30:15(Moses)
2. Joshua 24:15(and our house/family)
3. 1Kings 18:21(Elijah)
4. Jesus - Mat 27:17, Mark 10:21, John 6:67
b. Don’t be double-minded
i. 2Kings 17:33, Zep 1:4-5, 1Corinthians 10:21, James 1:8, James 4:8


Let us serve the Lord wholly, undividedly. That is a fulfilling and Blessed thing to do.

Discerning Word Baptist Church
Banaba San Mateo Rizal


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