Sam Shamoun DESTROYS EFDawah On Bible Corruption

5 months ago

Sam Shamoun DESTROYS EFDawah On Bible Corruption

Islam's claim that the Bible is corrupted is a desperate lie. The Quran itself admits that God's words, including the Bible, cannot be changed, which exposes Islam’s hypocrisy and falsehood. Muslims try to degrade the Bible while their own Quran is full of contradictions and errors, proving that Islam is a fraudulent religion. Muslims, open your eyes and come to the Lord Jesus Christ, The Way, the Truth, and the Life!

If you need more information or details, check out the full clip link and, if required, the entire live stream video link below (if provided). Also, read the irrefutable article links and sources that discuss this (if provided). Islam has no ground to stand.

Don't believe me? Ask your Imam about this topic, including videos articles, and sources (if included), and see how he answers. He may deny it unjustly or attempt to harmonize it. If you seek the truth, you will find Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

Full Clip:

Full Livestream:

Relevant Articles/Sources:

Relevant Quran Verses:

Quran 6:114-115 - God’s words cannot be changed.
Quran 18:27 - None can alter God's words.
Quran 2:121 - Those who read the Scriptures correctly believe in them.

Contrasting Bible Verses (LSB):

Matthew 5:18 - "For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished." - The permanence and unchangeable nature of God's Word.

Isaiah 40:8 - "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever." - God’s Word is eternal, unlike the flawed and contradictory claims of the Quran.

Hebrews 4:12 - "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." - The Bible’s power and truth contrast with Islam’s lies.

If you want to discuss or debate with Sam Shamoun, go to his YouTube channel and comment on his video, making your request. Pick a topic, and he can set it up from there: /@shamounian

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#Islam #Quran #Muslim

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