TODAY'S NEWS, August 16, 2024

6 months ago

The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow


1) I am surprised. I actually thought they would pump Cackles up (maybe that's a poor choice of words) longer than this, but she is already fading. This is the fourth poll in a week having her slipping back under Trump. (Sorry, I guess that's another poor choice of words).

2) President Trump on Cackles' Nixonian wage-and-price control plans: "straight out of Venezuela or the Soviet Union." Now, now. That's unfair to Venezuela and the USSR: Those people were well-oiled machines as commies; Cackles is an incompetent novice. Meanwhile the idiotic Cackles has proposed a $25,000 subsidy for first-time home buyers. Good luck. Have you even talked to da youts? They don't want to OWN homes. Too much work and they don't trust the gubment to keep things stable enough for them to make payments. It's goofball policies such as this that have DemoKKKrats begging Cackles not to release any more policy positions before the election.

3) President Trump will be shielded with bulletproof glass at outdoor events. As a historical note, it's worth recalling that JFK refused the Secret Service recommendation of a bullet proof "bubble" in Dallas in1963.

4) Trump also released the names of those on his campaign transition team.

5) So we're still gonna have problems in the near future, as an appeals court denied a challenge to Kollyfornia's vote-by-mail system.

6) In a key race, Kari Lake has pulled into a tie with El Pollo Gallego in AZ. Trump's margin there can pull her over. If, as I believe, Tim Sheehy will take MT and Jim Justice will easily win WV, this could give the GOP a nearly spooge-proof majority (i.e., allowing for Tom Collins and MurCowSki) in the Senate.

7) Rutabaga couldn't give presidential candidate Bubbay SS protection and couldn't spare enough for Trump in PA, but by gosh he can provide SS protection for the incompetent and useless former SS director Kim Cheatle. Remember "Cheatle" is a synonym now for screwup, as in, "He's a real cheatle on the new equipment."

8) People trust the Rutabaga government so much to keep them safe from illegal criminal aliens or from the FascistBI that gun sales are averaging a million a month for the last five years.

9) A House oversight committee is investigating Tampon Timmy's "longstanding connections" with Chy-na.

10) This should be fun. Muslim leaders expect 100,000 protesters at the DemoKKKrat National Convention in Benghazi-by-the-Lake. For the record, that's almost TEN TIMES the number of hippies and anti-war protesters who showed up in 1968. Maybe that's why downtown bidnesses are already boarding up.

11) Tampon Timmy's administration gave $2 million to a Muslim group linked to al-Qaeda's charity wing. You know, for bombers who blew their own hands off.

12) Shame on any so-called Christian who is still a DemoKKKrat. The DNC platform mentions abortion 13 times, God 0.


13) Wolf Richter says that despite high inflation, America's "drunken sailor" consumers are still spending, particularly in e-commerce.

14) Buying conditions for housing dropped to an all time low, while housing starts dropped to the lowest since the China Virus. U.S. manufacturing also contracted in August.

15) New York state will offer home energy rebates, which is interesting because the state is broke.

16) Yesterday, my favorite lib, Noah Smith, came out against Cackles' wage and price controls. Today, the New York Slimes.

17) As coal plants shutter, there is a renewed effort to revive nuclear power.


18) Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy, limited installation of ground based solar over farm lands. Good.

19) The Ukes have urged evacuation of a city in the path of the Russkie army. Wait, I thought it was the UKE army that was advancing?

20) Cackles was grilled on the infamously horrible Afghanistan retreat.


21) Google AI admits the vaxxes ain't safe for kiddos.

22) Eye issues have skyrocketed with the China Virus vaxxes.


23) A Massachusetts house where a wealthy businessman killed his wife and daughter is listed as the "perfect family home." Yeah, if you're the Manson family.

Larry Schweikart

Rock drummer, Film maker,NYTimes #1 bestselling author

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