This Does Not Spark Joy: DNC Demonstrates CLEAR Choice This Election Year

6 months ago

Posted • August 18, 2024: Back when it was announced that the 2024 Republican National Convention was going to take place in Milwaukee, I made a point to schedule our family vacation for that week. At the time, I didn't know where we'd go, but our destination was 'anywhere but here.' Why? I worried about unrest and riots. It's not an unreasonable concern. I have three boys and didn't want to be anywhere near the chaos. We ended up in Hawaii, had a fabulous time, and -- thankfully -- things in Milwaukee were quiet and peaceful. The DNC in Chicago (90 minutes south of me) starts tomorrow. It appears as if it will not be as peaceful as the RNC in Milwaukee. The two conventions also paint a stark portrait for American voters. The conventions are a microcosm of how the next four years can, and will play out: the relative calm of the RNC or the violent, communistic chaos of the Democrat Party.

HOLY F*CK! A number of businesses in the Chicago’s business district have covered windows and doors with plywood to better protect the buildings should demonstrations during next week’s Democrat National Convention turn unruly. You didn’t see this kind of chaos during the RNC in Milwaukee. Not a single business had to board up their store in fear of riots. But here we are, and downtown Chicago already looks like it’s preparing for civil unrest. Now, ask yourself: Why didn’t Milwaukee have to take such special measures? Despite the Biden-Harris administration , and the media labeling Trump supporters as extremists and threats to democracy, they aren’t the ones known for burning down and destroying businesses. The Biden-Harris America is detrimental to our country. The most radical thing to happen in Milwaukee was a bar that closed to avoid serving 'Trumpers' -- no Milwaukee businesses had to board up their storefronts because of 'mostly peaceful' protests.

Reports that 100,000 (or more) pro-Hamas goons will descend on the city, too. The Democrat Socialists of America also vowed to make the DNC a 'disaster', too, and Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson has no plans to stop them. If that wasn't enough, the Democrat Party -- along with their best buddies Planned Parenthood -- are also planning mobile abortion clinics and offering free vasectomies to DNC attendees. Planned Parenthood Great Rivers @ppgreatrivers: “ Here we come, Chicago! 🚐 Our mobile health clinic will be in the West Loop with Chicago Abortion Fund & The Wieners Circle Aug 19-20, providing FREE vasectomies & medication abortion. EC will also be available for free without an appointment. Reserve your spot.” -- The Democrats are so in the bag for abortion and consequence-free sex, they'll undergo surgical procedures in random buses in Chicago back alleys. Paid for by your tax dollars of course.

Heaven forbid they experience complications from these abortions or vasectomies. Infection is always a risk, so is blood loss. We doubt the DNC or Planned Parenthood will be there to help them should things go sideways. Then again, we shouldn't be surprised. This is the same party that rewrote the Title IX rules, effectively turning women into second class citizens for the sake of men who 'identify' as chicks with penises. What do they care? They can't even define the word 'woman' until they need to pander for our votes. Meanwhile, everything has become more expensive these last 3.5 years and Kamala Harris herself has admitted as much. Her policies -- from banning fracking and offshore drilling to outlawing red meat to doing away with private health insurance -- are communist. Her first major policy proposal is price controls, which lead to economic disaster and mass starvation.

And while all that is happening, illegal immigrants -- terrorists among them -- continue pouring over our border unchecked and oftentimes aided by the administration. They get generous benefits with our tax dollars and face next to zero consequences when they break our laws -- including raping and murdering American citizens. Americans are worried, disaffected, and starving for a return to sanity. So next week as we watch Chicago boil over with unreast and, quite possibly, burn like Minneapolis remember that these are the people who want to run the entire country for possibly the next decade. It is my hope the inevitable chaos and violence that takes place in Chicago will open the eyes of independents and undecided voters. The choice could not be a clearer choice this election year: go back to the days of affordable gas and groceries, or see the entire nation run like the upcoming DNC. There will be no joy in the Windy City this August, and there will be no joy (or food) in America if Kamala Harris wins in November.

Twitchy: Bake the Cake? Milwaukee Bar Boasts It'll Close During the RNC So They Don't Have to Serve 'Trumpers'
Twitchy: Get Your Popcorn Ready! Chicago Dem Socialists Vow to Make DNC a 'Political Disaster' for Biden
Twitchy: POPCORN TIME: DNC Prepares for Major Protests at Chicago Convention, Without Help of Mayor Johnson
Twitchy: You've GOT to be Kidding: DNC Attendees Will Have Chances for FREE Vasectomies and Abortions
Twitchy: 'Absolute Insanity'! Kamala Harris Reminds Us How Much More Food Costs After Years of Biden-Harris
Twitchy: The End of America Will Quickly Ensue: Alarming Post Shows What'll Happen With Kamala's Price Controls

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