Congressman Josh Brecheen Promotes Amendment To Block China Accessing Nuclear Materials

2 months ago

08/17/2024 Forbes Breaking News: On Jul 23, Congressman Josh Brecheen proposed an amendment to ban the export of nuclear materials to China. Because China is not only the United States' most powerful adversary, they steal American intellectual property, spy on American citizens, and are also openly provocative in the Asia-Pacific region. Therefore, this behavior of allowing exporters to send nuclear materials to China may affect the national security of the United States.
#Amendment #BanNuclearMaterialExports #RegionalDominance #NationalSecurity #ConfrontingChina
08/17/2024 福布斯新闻快报:7月23日,众议员乔希·布莱金提出了一项禁止向中共国出口核材料的修正案。因为中共国不仅是美国最强大的对手,他们窃取美国的知识产权、监视美国公民,而且还在亚太地区公然挑衅。因此,这种允许出口商向中共国输送核材料的行为可能会影响美国的国家安全。
#修正案 #禁止核材料出口 #地区主导权 #国家安全 #对抗中共

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