Tim Walz Returns to Nebraska and Tries to Avoid His Past

6 months ago

Tim Walz returned to Nebraska to deliver a speech to a mostly clueless crowd of newly acquired unsophisticated supporters, most of whom are unaware about his hurried departure from the state, many years ago. He returned to the state that he fled, in the middle of the night, around 30 years ago under a growing swirl of allegations emanating from recurring and persistent rumors of the most heinous improprieties towards the most susceptible and dependent. This uncouth stranger only returned to the far eastern part of the state, for a few hours far away from the panhandle, that is clear out in Northwest Nebraska, where he left so many accusations unanswered so long ago. His short stay, in Nebraska to deliver a campaign speech, was one of few returns, if any, for the old grifter with a checkered and suspect history. The swindler has avoided the state of Nebraska since he escaped to Minnesota but along the way, and through the years, he was able to visit China more than 30 times. Tim Walz has circumvented Nebraska and his contentious past but has made his way to the communist nation to train and prepare for his future. One American state he avoids, one communist state he can’t stay away from, and, one past that is catching up to him.


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