Scots DORIC/NE Dialect: Virtual Religious Service Bible Reading of 1 Peter.

6 months ago

The New Contract/Testament of The Bible, rendered in the Scots Language of Northeast Scotland (also known as the 'Doric' dialect). The 'Aul Mither Tongue' poorly narrated by a diaspora, struggling to establish and retain an authentic dialect. In developing genuine character/persona, similar to a child learning to speak or your neighbor that sounds funny and says a word oddly.

The gospel books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were previously made available in audio format, which were rendered from W.L. Lorimer's 'The New Testament in Scots'.

This video presents the 'E First Scrieven O Peter'

Rendered from 'The Doric New Testament', written by Gordan M Hay
Available through Doric Books:
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