Trump Touts ‘Reciprocal’ Tariffs Against China: “It's Called An Eye-For-An-Eye”

5 months ago

08/17/2024 During a campaign event in Pennsylvania on Saturday, former President Trump spoke about tariffs on China: “China gets a huge advantage in trade because they consider themselves to be a growing nation. I will revoke China's most favorite nation's trade status and pass the Trump Reciprocal Trade Act. If China or any other country makes us pay 100 or 200 percent tariff, we will make them pay a reciprocal tariff of 100 or 200 percent right back. It's Called An Eye-For-An-Eye.”
#Trump #tariffsonchina #SupplyChain #mostfavourednationstatus #aneyeforaneye
08/17/2024 在上周六(8月17日)于宾夕法尼亚州举行的竞选集会上,前美国总统川普谈到对华关税时表示:“中共国因标榜其是发展中国家而在贸易中获得了巨大的优势。我将取消中共国的贸易最惠国地位,并通过《川普互惠贸易法案》。如果中共国或任何其他国家要我们支付100%或200%的关税,我们将让他们立即支付100%或200%的对等关税,这叫做以眼还眼。”
#川普 #对华关税 #供应链 #贸易最惠国地位 #以眼还眼

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