The Knot: Close Up HD Footage (Calidris canutus)

1 month ago

Knots are tough little wading birds that are famous for their long trips. Every year, they fly from the Arctic to warmer spots and then back again. They're about the size of a blackbird and have short legs. Their feathers are clever - they change colour with the seasons, going from grey in winter to reddish-brown in summer.
You'll often spot Knots in big groups on mudflats and beaches. They use their beaks to poke around in the mud for tiny bits to eat. When it's time to have babies, they fly all the way up to the Arctic tundra. The male Knots do a special dance to try and get a girlfriend.
These birds are known for their long flights. Some can fly over 9,000 km without stopping! Sadly, Knots are struggling because of climate change and people messing up where they live. Scientists are trying to help them, but it's not easy. Even so, these little birds keep going, showing how tough nature can be.

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