Mike Adams interviews Dr Thomas Cowan & Dr Andrew Kaufman - Why the "virus" pandemic is a FARCE (8-27-2021)

6 months ago

(Many times over the past few years I've heard various observations that the "virus" hasn't been isolated, yet wasn't sure whether this was true or not. Mike Adams has a sophisticated laboratory of advanced diagnostic equipment and decided to investigate this assertion when he started hearing that the virus hadn't been isolated. It turns out that this assertion applies to all viruses. Listen to Mike's discussion with two knowledgeable doctors to understand why. This is yet another example of where the medical profession isn't being honest with us. — RAD)

Recently [t.me/RealHealthRanger/5099 | 8-17-2024], Mike Adams made the following THREE NOTABLE TIMES WHEN I'VE BEEN HORRIBLY WRONG:

1) In the early days of COVID, I initially thought the pandemic was real. Although I came around within a couple of months, I underestimated the EVIL of the globalists and never thought they would murder people in hospitals to fake a pandemic. Boy was I wrong. I apologized to David Icke, as he was well ahead of the truth on this, and he has a strong record of being way ahead on many issues.

2) About Bitcoin, in the early days, I was nauseated by the get-rich-quick hype of it and that blinded me to the real potential of decentralized money that can't be counterfeited by other nations. I've been PRO-CRYPTO (and by default pro-Bitcoin) for many years now, and my Decentralize.TV show just surpassed its one year anniversary!

3) GERM THEORY - For almost my entire life, I believed in the germ theory for viruses. Turns out the theory is completely false. While fungi, worms, bacteria and pathogens can and do infect people, so-called "viruses" as a means to DIAGNOSE an infection, or claims of a viral exposure replicating a specific "disease" are utterly false and non-scientific. I wish to thank Drs Cowan and Kaufman for being the strongest educators on this point over the last few years. I interviewed both of them in 2021, as shown in the above video. BOTTOM LINE: In each case, I was deceived by the lying corporate media and establishment propagandists. Even someone like myself, a fiercely independent thinker, can sometimes fall under the psychic assaults of the great deceivers. What I've learned is: 1) We don't hate the media nearly enough. 2) Most of modern "science" is bullshit. And 3) If we aren't willing to correct ourselves and learn new things, we'll never break the sorcerer's spell. Thank you for all your support through these years. I hope I've learned these hard lessons deeply enough to not get fooled again, but it's a constant battle, given the depth of deceptions unleashed against us all in the info war. God bless you all, and pray that we can all exercise discernment in the coming wave of false flags, the monkey-AIDS-Ebola-covid-pox scamdemic side show, or faked “alien invasions” or whatever insanity they’ll throw at us next. The battlefield of the modern era is YOUR MIND. Protect it as if your life depended on it… because it does!

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