EMFs, a leading cause for diabetes, heart disease and cancer?

1 month ago

Imagine it’s the 1860s. The telegraph wires are crisscrossing the globe, and suddenly, three major diseases decide to throw a party:

☝️Diabetes: Before the 1860s, it was like a mythical creature. Doctors might see 2-3 cases in their entire career.

☝️Heart Disease: It was mostly for the elderly and infants with congenital heart defects. Otherwise, your ticker was in good shape.

☝️Cancer: Rare as a snow leopard sighting.

Fast forward, and suddenly everyone is wondering, “What the heck is cancer? Where did it come from?” 🤔 And just like that, by the end of the 20th century, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease are crashing on everyone’s couch. Now we treat them like uninvited roommates.

But what if I told you that these diseases might be linked to... drumroll 🥁 ELECTRO FIELDS! Yup, those pesky EMFs interfering with the electron transport in our cells, messing with our metabolism.

Let’s break it down:

- Before the 1860s, sugar was just a sweet treat, not a diabetes culprit.
- Cholesterol? Not the heart’s enemy.
- And cancer? Barely on the radar.

Enter EMFs: They interfere with the tiny electro-currents in our cells’ mitochondria, crucial for metabolism. If these currents get messed up, our cells can’t digest food or use oxygen efficiently. The result? Sugar and fat backing up in our bloodstream, leading to diabetes and heart disease. And cancer cells? They thrive in low oxygen environments.

Marconi, the guy who invented radio, had 10 heart attacks. Coincidence? Maybe. 🤷‍♂️ But it’s worth thinking about the “electromagnetic soup” we’re living in.

Check out Episode 24: The Invisible Rainbow with guest Arthur Firstenberg. For the full episode, visit theweknowshow.com
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