What’s the deal with fossils? [CREATION CLUES S01E06]

5 months ago

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How do you make a fossil? Fossils are often used as evidence to explain that the world is millions of years old and challenge the Biblical timeline of Creation. However, the recipe for fossils and the abundance of fossils seem to indicate a more rapid and catastrophic event. Come take a look at some amazing fossils and how we can be confident in God’s Word!
Creation Clues is an ongoing segment to help Christians know God through studying His handiwork in the world around us. This segment’s primary focus is on the crossroad between science, faith, and the Bible. Join us as we get to know our Creator through His Creation!
Developed & Hosted by Michael Lane. Recorded by Cora Anderson & Charlotte Fohner. Graphics & Editing by Charlotte Fohner.

0:00 Preview & Introduction
2:52 The Traditional Story of Fossils
7:59 Fossil Plot holes
17:24 Fish Fossil
20:50 Fish Eating Another Fish Fossil
21:34 Shrimp Fossil
26:11 Jelly Fish Fossil
31:29 Wrap-up

• Photos by David Clode, Kvnga, Thales Nunes, Gabi Scott, Jacqueline Martinez, and Birmingham Museums Trust on Unsplash
• Stock Music provided by ikoliks / Pond5

#fossils #science #flood #noahsflood #biblicalfloord #howfossilsaremade #bible #apologetics #creationclues
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My goal is that their hearts, having been knit together in love, may be encouraged, and that they may have all the riches that assurance brings in their understanding of the knowledge of the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. - Colossians 2:2-3

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