Biden steps in to stop Starmer starting WWIII

1 month ago

Right, so Keir Starmer’s cluelessness when it comes to warfare is positively scary but when it comes to the matter of Russia and Ukraine, it is of particular concern when Starmer had already been stopped from handing Storm Shadow missiles over to his Ukrainian counterpart Zelensky while telling him they could use them against targets inside Russia once, he’s now apparently had to be told again! This second occasion has come about as a result of Ukraine apparently begging Starmer to be allowed to use this ordnance to strike Russia, apparently they’ve milked his ego so much that they’ve told him that such an action could turn the tide of the war and so Starmer again, has reiterated that he had no issue with the missiles being used against internal Russian targets. The trouble is Keith, you don’t get to make that decision as a NATO member on your own and of all people to block Starmer’s stupidity, which would no doubt paint a big fat target on the UK – well within Russia’s reach – it’s Genocide Joe Biden that has stepped in to stop him!
Right, so what has gone on here this time then Damo? Well, you might recall not so mong ago Keir Starmer wrapped up some of our Storm Shadow missiles for Ukraine, all with a big shiny bow and told Zelensky at the time that if he wanted to use them on Russian targets within Russia’s border’s, he had no problem with that. It had to be pointed out to Keith that starting WWIII was probably not a good idea, that such an action would be construed as a direct strike by a NATO country on Russia, would prove all of Putin’s fears about NATO eastward expansionism right and being in the firing line for Russia ourselves, we’d probably cop it personally, when for as much as Zelensky might want boots on the ground and NATO involvement, it is anything but a good idea. Well, it would appear that Zelensky’s bunch have asked for permission to target Russia again, pleading to be allowed to do so, saying it would turn the tide of the war. Yeah, it would I suppose, it’d turn Russia’s firepower on us instead, I really don’t understand why Starmer is so keen to wind Putin up and place the UK in his sights, unless it’s a case of Starmer already having a bunker somewhere with his name on it and balls to the rest of us. At any rate, once more it seems Starmer has said he has no problem with it and it has been for others to step in and say actually we do have a problem with it and when that someone happens to be the same guy helping Israel raze Gaza to the ground with his own arms supplying, it doesn’t say a lot for Starmer’s military acumen! Genocide Joe Biden has been the voice of reason here, stepping in to stop Starmer. Here’s an excerpt from the Daily Wrap’s coverage of the story:
‘As reported by the Ukrainian Pravda portal, the US blocked the UK's consent for Kyiv to use Storm Shadow missiles against Russia. The probable cause is Joe Biden's fear of a potential conflict escalation.
Sources cited by the British media claim that the matter is "stuck in their (U.S.) system," and the discussions are ongoing.
The UK had no objections to allowing Ukraine to use long-range missiles freely. However, the British government's consent alone is not enough. Approval from the USA, France, and a "third NATO country" is also required.
Storm Shadow missiles have a range of 250 kilometres and could be used to attack Russian military targets located deep within the country, such as military bases, which the Ukrainian portal claims play a "key role" in Moscow's attacks.
The USA's hesitation may be due to President Joe Biden's concern about escalating the conflict. Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokeswoman, admitted during a recent briefing that the USA fears escalation when using long-range missiles. She also suggested that these missiles are not essential for Ukraine to reclaim its territories.’
So for as much as Starmer might be nonchalant about allowing Ukraine to use weapons we’ve given them directly against Russian targets, it turns out there are rules preventing such actions amongst NATO countries, with three other NATO states having to give permission, two of whom being the US and France, so tough luck Keith, this is above your pay grade to act independently over. On top of that, even more embarrassingly, the Pentagon is of the view such long range ordnance is unnecessary, though of course Ukraine might well think otherwise.
In fact we know Ukraine think otherwise, because despite being given these weapons to use in other ways, despite Starmer committing £3bn of our money per year to Ukraine for as long as it takes, whilst telling all of us there’s no money to stop starving kids or freezing pensioners, Zelensky has had the brass neck today to say leadership in the UK where Ukraine is concerned has slowed down!
Yes, Zelensky is not getting enough out of us apparently, we’re not acquiescing to his whims on what he can do with weapons we’re giving him, he is begging to use these missiles directly against Russia – not my words but the words of the Torygraph today - and since he’s now been told no, apparently that means we don’t like him as much anymore. The people of Gaza right now I’m sure would love to get a tenth of 1% of what Zelensky has had, fat chance they ever get it, but no, he’s the one being wronged here!
You know what’s even worse than that though? The ignorance being spread on social media, demanding the UK and US let Zelensky use our weapons to strike directly into Russia. I had no idea there were so many people tired of breathing in this country, but of course not all of them will be in this country.
As an example, Matt Müller, who appears to be based in the US wrote:
‘This is frankly an indefensible and idiotic policy. The Biden administration needs to finally authorize the use of ALL weapons, including long range missiles, on military targets inside of Russia. Ukraine needs to take out Russian air fields to protect their troops & civilians.’
There are many other accounts on social media opining the same things, often with Ukraine flags in their bios. Such action though would expand the war onto those nations who supplied the weapons, what you call for is expansion of the war, but perhaps you are so pro Ukraine regardless of consequence, nothing short of exactly what Zelensky wants is good enough? Boris Johnson has joined in as another unwelcome voice calling for this as well, well he certainly owes Zelensky for providing him a hidey hole every time he got exposed for his own incompetence and wrongdoing, so not a great surprise I suppose, but if that doesn’t tell you this is the wrong message, being on the side of Bozo the Clown, you haven’t learnt much from his time in power.
None of this ultimately leads to bringing about an end in the atrocities, but much like Israel happens to be a convenient staging ground and ally in the Middle East, so is Ukraine likewise, following a US instigated coup, a handy staging ground on Putin’s doorstep. Both situations need to be dealt with the same way, with sanctions, with humanitarian peacekeeping efforts, not through the supply of more weapons which just drag these conflicts out for longer.
Ultimately, where common sense goes by the wayside as far as Israel goes, as far as arming them goes, it’s dead easy when you’re siding with the oppressor there against oppressed Gaza, it’s not so easy when you’re pretending to be on the side of right there and siding with right in Russia and Ukraine when the oppressor has as many if not more big guns to bear as you do and ultimately a firefight and ongoing war isn’t going to solve matters. That Starmer doesn’t see Russia as an issue here is disturbing, it is even more obviously disturbing when Biden steps in to stop him doing something we may all end up regretting here in the UK, for it seems the second time, Starmer’s lack of awareness of the potential consequences for this country are terrifying, because if our weapons are permitted to be used directly against Russia on their territory, all bets will be off as to when Putin would revisit that upon us. There are too many people in positions of power who are completely stupid. That might not be a shock to many, but being lethally stupid as Starmer seems to be is unforgivable and frankly he needs to be asked, he needs to tell us why he thinks Ukraine should be allowed to use our long range missiles in such a manner and why he thinks there wouldn’t be consequences for us in return.
Meanwhile, Starmer sense of priorities with regards to sending more military aid to Ukraine were already highlighted as sorely lacking last month, whilst it’s more austerity for everyone here, paying a price for him to parade around on the world stage and cosplay in the dressing up box as all that amounted to is detailed in this video recommendation here as your potential next watch if you so desire and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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