Neil Oliver Interviews Whitney Webb - It’s us versus them!

6 months ago
‘….organised crime, secret services, corporate power, the deep state….they’re investing massive amounts of money in manipulating us…’ This week Neil talks power & corruption with the brilliant and forensically detailed investigative journalist Whitney Webb.

greetings fellow Time Travelers get ready to be Charmed challenged and inspired by my next excellent guest uh but before we get started just a quick reminder to check out my site uh by means of which you can support the channel get along there show your support and get uh Early Access to new content exclusive access to question and answer sessions it's a great site uh we enjoy ourselves on there so come and make it better by being there too okay now time for an inspire ing chat hi everyone time for another informative if not inspirational conversation uh with a specialist someone that can bring unique insight to a subject uh today's guest in question is Whitney Webb uh investigative journalist Whitney Webb uh Whitney has been uh if you're not already aware of her Whitney has been methodically forensically piecing together uh the ways that politics and economics and organized crime came together in a hellish what would you say Minaj uh that helps explain the mess we're in uh if you're not aware of Whitney's work uh via podcasts and extensive writing really more to the fact substack published books then I strongly recommend that you Rectify that that Gap in your in your knowledge in your own time if such a Gap exists because the story that Whitney tells is I assure you more fascinating and compelling and and ultimately revealing than any Hollywood Thriller you could you could name uh welcome Whitney Webb many thanks for making time for me oh absolutely my pleasure to be here thanks for having me H I'm I'm I'm frankly in awe of the work that you've been doing uh that it's your command of detail uh and how much of it you you you seem to just hold in your head at any one time it it just uh I'm I'm preoccupied with your ability to articulate a story that's that's so packed with detail so I I'll I'll get right into it um I think as I said in the intro people will have varying levels of awareness of the work that you've been doing uh but so just to get things off on an even Keel um was there an identifiable moment would you say when our governments and Associated establishments became crime syndicates or or was it ever thus yeah well there's a lot of different things you can you can point to I suppose um throughout uh you know American history so a lot of my work on this particular topic has been uh mostly focus on the United States which is where you can probably tell from my accent where I'm from um but the way you know I wrote a book um called One Nation Under blackmail that sort of looks at these Origins and uh sort of where I pinpointed it um uh sort of goes back I guess to um to the 20s and the 30s uh more or less where um this particular group which called themselves the national crime syndicate this um mix of organized crime factions sort of came together and then during World War II uh they formed an alliance with uh US military intelligence the Office of Naval intelligence and then in uh in the years after World War II that Alliance deepened including with the uh creation of the CIA and that's why you have so much overlap for example with early uh CIA Hitman and people involved in CIA assassinations being members of the mob as well and that particular National crime syndicate uh was essentially a meeting of the Italian mafia in the Jewish mob the Jewish mob being led by mayor Lansky and the Italian mafia being led by uh lucky or Charles luchano um and the two of them were childhood friends and so previous to their team up organized crime in the United States was sort of an ethnic Silo so you would have like or Irish organized crime Italian organized crime and so on and so on it was sort of in these you know divided uh by ethnicity and these two figures because of their childhood friendship sort of came together and sort of uh broke that pattern uh they created an organization that uh became rather Infamous called Murder Inc and essentially you know through their fusion with um U organized with intelligence became increasingly powerful and it sort of uh they became sort of symbiotic I I I've argued and um but really one of the ways they were able to do that first is um they took over uh the Democratic party initially and I definitely argue that they took over both parties relatively quickly um but the way they did so with the Democratic party the base of the Democrat uh Democratic party historically uh were unions and so they took over the leadership of the unions um and took over the leadership of who counted the votes and all of this very early on in the 20s and the 30s and you know through that were able to get their candidates through and there were a few instances where you know they threatened uh you know keep people's lives in in this sort of political hierarchy in New York state and then through that we're able to sort of you know move on to dominate the country and that definitely became very extensive with their team up with intelligence and it's important to keep in mind that the people that essentially created the CIA and early American intelligence were pretty much all Wall Street bankers and lawyers uh people may know about that in the case of you know rather Infamous CIA directors like Alan Dulles being from the Wall Street Law Firm solivan Cromwell but the leader of the OSS which is sort of the precursor to the CIA uh Bill Donovan was also deeply tied to Wall Street and even former CIA deput Deputy directors from just 20 years ago have essentially said the CIA has always sort of been uh bankers and so you know bankers and in organized crime a lot of them are interested in um you know wealth and ultimately rackets so if you think of organized crime sort of as its own entity and sort of take away all the all the associations we have with it because of Hollywood and and all of these other narratives essentially what it exist exists to do is expand the rackets that are lucrative and perpetuate them infinitely uh because if if the racket is discovered or the organized crime syndicate has broken up uh the flow of money stops and so a lot of these um lucrative rackets uh later you know intelligence later became very involved in then these include things like arms trafficking and drug trafficking this used to be these used to be the rackets of the ma but by teaming up with intelligence you know they were able to expand them and and dominate them and and you know as a result a lot of the Wall Street banks have become sort of dependent on moneya laundering uh the income they make from moneya laundering from all of these like illegal rackets has become you know really critical to their operations and people like Katherine Austin Fitz have argued that if you know the drug trade were actually to be stopped in any meaningful way we'd see a collapse of some of the biggest banks um in the world which is why you have you know PE Banks like HSBC for example getting caught money laundering for some of the biggest and and most criminal Mexican drug cartels and then people like Mark Carney stepping in to try and smooth things over of course he's a former uh governor of the bank of England and make of Canada and is slated to follow uh Justin trudell allegedly um as you know head of the uh left-leaning uh Canadian you know political sphere so uh sorry went on a little bit of a rant there I don't know if you'd like to is it is it the case simply that are we dealing with two versions two two sides of the same coin you is the mindset of the of the of the Wall Street Banker it is the mindset of the the the power hungry politician essentially the same as the mindset of the of the alapon and the Myer Lansky and the and the lucky luchano are are they all just manifestations of the same character traits yeah I well I think it's become increasingly similar with time and ultimately a lot of these people have uh that function like mob families or have documented TI to organize crime uh for example you know I'd have done a lot of work on the Jeffrey Epstein case and his main Patron is an American billionaire named Leslie Wexner uh who has documented tied to organize crime to the extent that you know he's from Columbus Ohio uh the Columbus Ohio police uh had a uh put out a report on his ties to organized crime and it was shut down by the Columbus Police Chief um who had ties to Wexner and was providing police off officers to wexner's home like First Security and a lot of other corruption there and and essentially covered it up and those ties came up because his tax lawyer uh was murdered in broad daylight shot in the face and what is considered still an unsolved mystery even though they did solve it and tied it to Wexner but they buried uh their report and the the lawyer was murdered the day before he was going to testify to the IRS about tax evasion about unspecified things but he was um the lawyer for wexner's business interest at the limit limited so a lot of these people have spent an insane amount of money rebranding themselves as philanthropists so I think one figure that uh was sort of exposed as doing that during the co era of course is someone like Bill Gates Right who has spent a lot of money framing himself as altruistic and as a philanthropist but a lot of these guys do that um and in reality you know this is something from The Playbook that was taken from JD Rockefeller the United States first billionaire who was very much hated uh for what he was doing to the country um you know back in the early 20th century and tried to Rebrand himself as a philanthropist and did so with the help of people like Edward bernes who is considered the father both of propaganda and public relations uh which P I guess you could argue public relations Is essentially propaganda for the corporate sector uh but you know there's been a lot of manipulations on the public in in trying to change our perception of who these people are and what they do uh but consistently this particular uh these particular networks a lot of whom are connected to organized crime have been engaged in crisis after crisis that the world has experienced in massive wealth transfers for us to them and CO's a great example of that uh where you know so many people that seem to have apparent forn knowledge that something drastic was coming uh were able to benefit so hugely economically while the rest of us um obviously have been left in a very different situation and it's true if you look at the 2008 financial crisis or any number of other Financial crises um you know that have happened in the past 100 years you pretty consistent uh wealth transfer to the point where like the the 0.1% of the world have such an insane amount of wealth and power at this point and we're still being so manipulated by them to the point where at least in the United States right now uh people are clamoring for a you know uh competing squads of billionaires uh to save the country so you know you might have Donald Trump and Elon Musk in one side and then all the Democratic party donors uh many of whom are from Silicon Valley like Eric Schmidt and Piero midar and a lot of these other big names you know these uh oligarch figures you know which billionaire faction is going to save us all but ultimately um at the end of the day they've been uh stealing our wealth and uh convincing us to give away our freedoms in exchange for what they promise is security but we don't get security we just get less and less Freedom um and we're essentially being herded into what I would argue is sort of a technocratic nightmare uh the Cornerstone of which is this digital ID agenda uh which is uh meant to be linked to some sort of digital wallet that contains programmable surveil money either a cbdc issued by a central bank or issued by a private bank and um I think ultimately uh what people need to do is not focus so much on these political saviors being put out in front of us but focus on what we're going to do to not comply um with the the digital ID agenda and these other things that they need in order to push us into this world they've been building um and I I would really appreciate it if people would focus on that again because I think there was a lot of Consciousness generated around that uh during covid for example where people rightly in my opinion pointed out that vaccine passports are really sort of a trial run for a lot of this broader digital ID stuff um but you know the digital ID stuff is marching uh Full Speed Ahead and now in the United States a lot of the people that were critical of it as vaccine passports um are are essentially uh calling for it I mean you have people like Trump on the campaign Trail saying the US desperately needs a biometric uh entry exit system um um and you have this campaign lawyer going on podcast saying we need to be scan our face and our eyeballs in order to be able to vote in the United States you know if we need voter ID why can't we just use a physical ID or something like that why does it have to be biometric and digital and then you see that you know the the Trump campaign just like the Democratic party are beholden to these Silicon Valley donors a good example of that would be Trump's recent um VP pick JD Vance um who was uh intimately tied up with Peter teal who created a CIA f fed uh data mining companies that are surveilling Americans and profiling them for intelligence based on our online activity and are very much invested in these digital ID agendas and digital wallet agendas um and and these programmable surveill uh currencies and um again I think we need to focus more on what we can do as people and as communities and not think that we can just sit back in our armchair and just vote you know once every four years or once every you know X number of years between election cycles and and everything's going to be magically better I think people need to take uh responsibility and and think about what we can do as people to opt out of these systems that they're trying to impose on us you've already done Whitney what what what mystifies me what fascinates you which you've already listed a a mindboggling cast of characters um you know you've already no no no no it's no it's it's it's part of what revals makes plain the interconnect edness you know whoever it was Einstein or John M or whoever who said that you know if if you pick up one thing in the universe you find it's connected to everything else and and your research seems to make plain that whoever you look at is somehow connected to everyone else and you were talking there about how these competing camps of billionaires you know trying to persuade us you which way to which way to jump next right I wonder if in in your research if you've if you've come across is is there anyone out there in that what or the billionaire or the influential or the powerful fraternity that's a goodie or are they all just degrees of Badness well you know as far as the you know the 0.1% goes there's a lot of names that are put out in front of us and then there's a lot of uh people even wealthier than them that we don't even see and I think a lot of the billionaires that are put out in front of us people like the Silicon Valley oligarchs for sure um were allowed to become billionaires for particular reasons and some of them um you know started off creating uh companies uh that became huge in Silicon Valley but they teamed up very early on with the National Security State um and then that allowed them to become these monopolies and a lot you see a lot of CIA involvement in most of these big uh Silicon Valley companies and so they were really public private Partnerships I guess you could say from the off and these include Google uh which has CIA Origins uh Oracle which started as cia's project Oracle that Oracle co-founder Larry Allison was working on right before he made Oracle the company and which then became a CIA contractor um you have uh paler uh Peter Teal's company after PayPal um its first funer being the CIA um and then its only client until 2008 was the CIA and then its Engineers made over 200 visits between 2005 and 2009 to CIA headquarters to develop their product that company of course for those living in the UK now controls all of the NHS data and has since covid and it's the same for the United States as well including efforts to predict the next pandemic before it even happens based on uh various samples taken from people in in these Health Systems so and and again you know they're contractors for in intelligence uh you know the homeland security and all of these other security agencies profiling people as subversives they were the first company used by uh the United States government to Target Wikileaks and uh they had a plan called the Wikileaks threat they put out uh pretty pretty early on I think in 2010 or 2011 or so and have been going after free speech for a very long time um and and targeting Americans for domestic descent and putting them on the CIA naughty list I guess you could say of Americans who could be targeted and have their constit constitutional rights suspended if certain continuity of government protocols were ever invoked and these are people that are held up to us as you know good billionaires Peter teal for example is framed as a Libertarian but if he's a Libertarian uh why would build a company that would give the state this kind of power I mean it honestly doesn't really make um very much sense at all and um you know someone like Elon Musk too has been framed as sort of a hero um I would argue that's sort of been manufactured I mean this is someone who's uh very open about being a pentagon contractor now an intelligence Contractor Building spy satellites for us intelligence agencies and also building brain chips um which I I you know just on the face of it don't really trust that technology at all um and you know is trying to make Twitter half of the US Financial system and have you link your government issued ID to your social media account and then tie that to your finances um hoping to make uh you know Twitter uh a major bank and all of this stuff when you can be you know deerson from Twitter easily I guess that would mean that when Twitter becomes a bank you could also be debanked quite easily as well um and uh you know I think a lot of these people uh you know they have a lot of capital at their disposal they have a lot of money used to make us think certain things about them uh and think they're squabbling but if you look you know like at Peter teal I mentioned who's you know very much aligned with the the US Republican party right now and then you look at someone like Eric Schmidt who's essentially been running key aspects of the Biden Administration and was a major Clinton donor uh they're both steering uh uh uh members of the steering committee of the Bilderberg conference which is an overtly globalist conference uh closed to the public where uh top politicians from around the world top corporate leaders and top people from the quot un quote nonprofit sector come together to decide essentially what's going to happen in the world over the next couple of years so they seem to agree on a lot more than they don't agree at these globalist confabs which doesn't just include Bilderberg it includes things with the world economic Forum annual meeting or the Allen and Company Sun Valley Conference I mean there's infinite number of these um that go on but they seem to be quite uh cozy you know when they're together in in their in these sort of elite conclaves uh but for us in the public they sort of you know create uh I would argue a lot of bread and circuses so maybe there are good billionaires out there but I think the ones that are pushed out in front of us and that we're sort of being manipulated into seeing as our heroes and saviors let's just sit back and let Elon Musk save us from tyranny or things like that you know I think that's investing a lot in people who have uh questionable business relationships and people seem to get caught up in the rhetoric whether it's rhetoric about people like Elon Musk or campaign rhetoric um when it comes to politicians and they don't Focus us on uh they don't follow the money and they don't follow people's policy records when it comes to politicians or their business decisions and business relationships uh when it comes to you know the other type of billionaire it's so it's so troubling the the the all-encompassing picture that you paint but do you think there's any degree or any extent to which the the looming threat of as you know as you were describing a digital Gulag archipelago is illusory you know clearly clearly the mood music is to persuade us that once this digital cage closes There's No Escape for anyone forever but do you do you think there's any extent to which it's not the case you talked about the necessity to find other platforms to you know to to look at other ways of doing things to to turn our backs on some of these preeminent figures you know are we being are we is there any way in which we're being tricked into thinking that they have more potential control than they do uh yeah I mean I think they absolutely do and I think that's part of um uh you know the manipulate manip manipulations that that Target the public or to make us think that we're powerless and we have no power and these people have invested so much money on uh finding every excuse they can to try and get us for in the case in the case of digital ID get us to voluntarily want to adopt it and we have to focus on the fact that if digital ID does not succeed and people do not comply it will fail I mean it is a it is the Cornerstone of like the entire UN Agenda 2030 um without it the the programmable surveill money won't work um a lot of their designs for what they want to do in the online virtual world will not work and so much of it will not work if we do not uh comply with digital ID and they're trying to force it on us as a voluntary thing U sort of in the same way that V passports were voluntary which is why I encourage people you know if you want to change um the direction the world is going you need to figure out how you are going to set up your life so you don't have to comply with digital ID the same way um you know maybe if you were forced to comply with vaccine mandates and vaccine passports how will you get around those type of restrictions when they try and impose you know digital ID on people for various reasons as I said earlier you know before it was about um you know the vaccine and all of that now in the US a conservatives mainly are being pitched as this is a solution to Illegal migration this is a solution to voter fraud and all of this stuff there's efforts to frame uh biometric digital ideas essential to sobbing cyber crime and hacking and cyber bullying and any other normal of uh any I mean essentially any ill of society they're just going to say digital ID is going to be the solution to that and um there sales pitches But ultimately if we you know the digital ID is the is essential to the whole idea of the social credit score and any of these other um you know orwellian uh designs that you know at least enough people I hope know by now um is part and parcel um of this agenda and I think again it comes up to people having to make a choice and the way they do this is is through you know they try and get us uh to comply with this is through convenience it's convenience to opt in it's convenient to have a digital ID um it's convenient to have you know money on on on your phone and have your whole life be based on your smartphone and and all of this it's convenient to vote once every four years for one one of the two lesser evils in all of this uh but really it's the convenience that they're using to enslave us and it's inconvenient to find ways to opt out of these systems and and change uh your life so that you're more resilient and you're your life is actually sustainable for you and your family and your community it's perhaps inconvenient to get out off of the couch and off of the chair and and go meet your neighbors physically and stop being on the online world so much and making real human connections and real human Solutions uh to the problems we're facing because I mean again that's why during Co the lockdowns I think were a big part of it to keep people isolated to keep people from connecting and force people to feel like they could only connect with others through this V virtual world that these people control because they control the infrastructure the software and the platforms so I think you know people need to uh consider that this convenience is really the carrot uh maybe there will be a stick at some point but they seem to be focused a lot on the carrot in the idea of having us voluntarily adopt these things because it's easy uh the way they're setting things up or it will be easy um or they'll frame it that way at least but I think it's very important for people um to uh realize that they have the power otherwise they wouldn't be investing all this money to manipulate us and and and Pitch us on this and you know I think it's important for people to think critically about what's being done and I think you know there's a lot of efforts to manipulate uh prominent voices in alternative media for the purpose of uh getting people who have realized these agendas during covid at least or maybe before uh to to come back sort of into the fold and trust certain people that are selling these particular Solutions under different metrics um and anyway again I think you know there is a lot of Hope and a lot of people you know listen to my interviews or read my report and think it's um you know very blackpilling or depressing and whatever but ultimately you know uh I think it's it's more depressing to feel like we don't have any power to change things only the billionaires do I think that's very depressing Outlook personally and I think these are people we should not be trusting considering the state of the world and where we are going and we should take the power back as people and we do that by taking actions in our own lives and doing things in our neighborhood and our communities and with our families and and realizing that this is not where we want to go um at the end of the day and there is so much we can do and I think a good starting point again is to say no to digital ID uh we don't need this biometric digital ID uh surveillance uh surveillance State that's going to be used not just to survey what we're doing in re uh in real time but also to predict what we might do in the future um a lot of these uh you know plans on the books and things that are being developed uh by these intelligence agencies are all about predictive policing meaning pre- crime and also applying that same methodology to healthc care prevent the next pandemic before it happens and all of this stuff so you don't even need to declare a pandemic anymore to get emergency youth authorization or or mandates in particular communities and stuff like that that is the world they are setting up it is very bad and we should opt out and uh we can opt out I I don't find what you're saying of what you none of what I've listened to you saying now and over months and years I don't find it depressing because I firmly believe that knowledge is power and that you can't know enough and so I think that that you're simply uh you know laying out often in very condensed and detail Rich uh uh material the things that people need to know and I would also I wonder uh at the moment it it seems to me that things have got especially visible and ridiculous you know the the whole the the attempted shooting of Donald Trump followed almost literally Moments Later by Joe Biden being you know erased from the presidential ticket uh you know other other spectacles like Benjamin Netanyahu and his the standing ovations that he received in Congress uh Vladimir zinski of Ukraine being invited to sit in on a cabinet meeting for the new labor government in in 10 Downing Street it feels as though what what many people are now calling the Leviathan as a as a as a as a noun to describe the The Blob or or the Deep state that the Leviathan has never been so on the surface so visible as it is now and I wonder at the extent to which in their final pursuit of digital IDs and cbdcs and 15 minute cities and and all of the rest of it that they aren't actually Running Scared and that the and to some extent the initiative is with us so many of us millions of us who have seen the Leviathan surface yes I I think that's true and I think they're being more overt because um you know I think they're very arogant I think they think that they are very confident in their abilities to manipulate people which they certainly absolutely can um and they can manipulate people very um effectively um and I I but ultimately I think you know a lot of their arrogance is their downfall but it's up to us once again uh to show that they're wrong and show that we're not powerless that we're not completely dumbed down and egocentric and and just focused on hedonistic uh Pursuits and that we actually care about the state of the world the future for our children we're going to say no to these orwellian um systems that are being rolled out globally I mean digital ID is something that is being pushed through so fast uh the EU is adopting it now for entry exit stuff uh the UK is going to roll it out next year the US is pushing for it as the only solution uh to migration and to voter fraud and Donald Trump is essentially now a in and he's been promoting all of these things on the campaign Trail um uh where I live in Chile is rolling out digital ID uh you know right after Christmas this year and uh it's voluntary for now but all of these things are going to be voluntary at first and then they'll try and make it so it's you know involuntary essentially you don't have the smartphone you don't have the ID well you can't come in here um and I think people again need to prepare uh for what for ultimately what to what to do about that and to sort of you know maybe it's inconvenient to not have constant access to these platforms and these things at your fingertips but there's other things there's Alternatives we can build and we have time uh to do that now and I think it's it that's where a lot of the focus uh should be and not so much on on the circus but again um I think people too um you know what's unfortunate now particularly in like election season a lot of people that know that it's a unip party whether in the UK or you know the United States um you know that know that like you know in the UK the the Tories and labor agree on so much more than they don't when they're actually in power um you know illegal migration just being one example and then when you look at at the US and the Republicans and the Democrats Pro surveillance pro war Pro any other number of things pro- Israel pro- oligarch essentially um at the end of the day and nothing really ever gets solved the problems continue and maybe you know the argument ends up being well if we elect this guy the March towards this tyranny will be slightly slower than if the other guy gets in I mean is that really the best we can do um and at this point you know people that were aware of the unip party getting sucked into this tribalist mindset of I support this guy after instead of this guy and all of that I mean um I think we need to step back and realize that voting for the lesser of two evils every four years is going to end us we're going to end up in the exact same place as if we just sat back and did literally nothing um and I don't really think that this is the only solution that people should pursue I mean I think it's honest uh honestly insanity espe considering we saw with Co where essentially every country in the world adopted the same policies and it made no sense to do so and now the people that criticize that at the time despite all of the backlash and all of the name calling have been proven right and now you know if you're criticizing both of the candidates in the US presidential race as I am I'm getting called U of accused of rooting for the other guy or having Trump derangement syndrome or you know uh being a Trumper also which I was also called during Co even though I was very critical of Trump's first term and it's just um you know this tribalist madness people really need to snap out of it they're so good at manipulating us and dividing and Conquer conquering us and we need to realize this is an issue of Us Versus Them the them being the point one% of this Global oligarchy that has taking control of both the public and the private sector and have essentially created my colleague Ian Davis calls the global private public private partnership uh which is again a lot of people in talking about the world economic Forum during covid you know painted it as communist well it promotes itself as the the the main broker of public private Partnerships worldwide uh which is you know really more in line with what musolini uh defined as corporatism ausing of the public sector and the corporate sector or rather you know certain corporate monopolies fusing with the state and that is essentially what we have and that's what these public private Partnerships uh are and uh they don't work but we're being pushed into even greater deepening of them and I think there's also efforts right now in a postco era that they're going to uh do a control demolition of certain public sector institutions that they've blamed for everything that's happened and then take things directly into the hands of these um private sector monopolies that essentially control the politicians and the public sector anyway um and is essentially just a bait and switch to get people to think that change is coming but it's not and um this type of Hope and change energy is I call it because of the initial uh Barack Obama campaign in 2008 uh they try and do this with all these different politicians around the world who are routinely disappointing uh they did it you know with with Javier mlay in Argentina who since he's been in power has been like yes I'm going to destroy the secret the Ministry of Education but I want Facebook to be in charge of the Ministry of Education and Google uh Google AI to decide who I fire and who I hire within the government and uh give Outsourcing uh Argentinian to Israel uh saying that he was going to put uh that he was against the Argentinian establishment but he's put uh people that were in the previous very establishment Administration the Macker Administration in his cabinet including J major Bankers from JP Morgan in charge of the economy JP Morgan being one of the banks that helped saddle Argentina as far back as the 1980s with the insane debt problems it has today it makes absolutely no sense um uh based on what his campaign pitch was and people need to remember that campaign wed sales pitches to get you to voluntarily acquest to the leadership of someone uh who in the case of a lot of the politicians running in the US now they've been president before and they've made it very clear who they serve when they're in office and we're being led to believe that it'll be different this time and they did that with liberals in in 2012 with Obama oh he just needs four more years oh it was the Republicans oh it was this that prevented him from doing what he was supposed to do his first term and then his second term was worse and I think it'll be uh just the same uh with Trump who bent over backwards during the co era uh to this to this Global agenda uh he called on Silicon Valley to surveil uh social media users and profile them for pre-crime uh so they they could prevent shootings before they happen uh you know that's a a conservative president I mean that's a horrible policy um when uh covid was happening he essentially outsourced um a covid era fiscal policy to black rocks Larry fank uh and black rock start handed out all this the money uh that the Federal Reserve printed uh and Larry f used to handle uh you know Donald Trump's personal fortune and stuff you know it's crony capitalism at the end of the day um and you know if you want to think he's different this time fine but we can't put all of our faith and all of our eggs in one basket for people that have already shown us who they are and uh and I think these political saviors are are made up and they try and get energy behind them in all of this and so many people that know better fall for it routinely and I think we need to realize the extent to which we're being manipulated and even if you know that mainstream media lies uh that doesn't mean that other people aren't also lying to you or manipulating to you because a lot of people even in Independent Media have become very beholden to the same algorithms that mainstream media are now beholden to and the people that control those algorithms are these same Silicon Valley oligarchs uh who finance both parties and manipulate um you know essentially control our politicians and it's important to keep in mind in the United States as well uh that Silicon Valley has essentially merged with the National Security State they're contractors for the military they're contractors for intelligence Google Microsoft Amazon all of these guys that's what they do and they manipulate us on their behalf um you know in 2014 the US Air Force uh announced a multi-million dollar research project to use social media uh to control people like drones uh to basically turn uh people's minds off using social media and manipulate them that way and militaries around the world um I know it's true in the UK too with what what I believe is um might be wrong but I think it's like the 77th Brigade or something like that there's all of these uh military agencies and security agencies focus on manipulating online opinion um and they have they've invested millions of dollars in bought armies and do you think that someone that is a contractor for the Pentagon uh and for these militaries around the world now through SpaceX is going to say no to those same militaries bot armies that they've developed to manip at people's opinion on behalf of the so-called deep state that we're all supposed to be targeting and fighting against I think people really need to take this stuff seriously and realize that you know waking up to the Illusions around covid and mainstream media isn't necessarily enough we need to keep our guard up we need to think critically and rationally um and we need to question everything and we need to go straight to the source that's why I make an effort in all of my articles to extensively the hyperlink and Source everything I say please go engage with that material yourself look at the things I re researched in the sources I used and draw your own conclusions maybe you don't agree with me uh but I think you know a lot of people that woke up I guess from mainstream media have moved uh to maybe different sources but their relationship with media is the same just listen to what the person says and take their word for it and don't do any due diligence or research and I think people need to become just like we need to take indiv individual responsibility with our lives we need to take responsibility for the media we consume as well and become active consumers of media not just passive media consumers or will just continue to be manipulated in this way um and and distracted have you found in your ex you know in your extensive efforts to find alternative ways have you find have you found a Channel or channels that you trust you know you talk there about the way in which you know that you know that the algorithms are affecting increasingly the independent journalists and people are becoming beholden to the same things that have United the you know the mainstream media of old cryptocurrencies you know there's so much there's so much heat around whatever a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and the rest is is you know I I hear a lot of people talk about how blockchain whether it as it manifests in uh Bitcoin but but bit but but um blockchain and distributed Ledger may have within it the seeds of something that is genuinely free and genuinely peer-to peer you know are you are you confident that in the in the Brave New World that you espoused that there are already ready the seeds of channels and and uh mediums of exchange that aren't dirty and tainted and controlled by The Usual Suspects uh yeah I mean I think you know there was for example you bringing up Bitcoin you know maybe initially with Bitcoin there was some promise there but I think you know in a lot of my recent work on this um with the former editor-in-chief of Bitcoin magazine Mark Goodwin you know we focused a lot on um how in recent years uh well really beginning in 2010 if not earlier uh you know there's been a major effort to uh capture Bitcoin uh and the infrastructure and essentially dollarize it have it become a you know a tool of US dollar hemony um and there's a lot of efforts to to link it to these US dollar stable coins that are very questionable whether it's tether USD yeah yes or uh Circle usdc which is very much tied to Black Rock tether was very much tied um to the um FTX scandal and also um has a lot of interesting ties to the Epstein crowd as well if you go far enough back um and you know these are sort of Being Framed as Alternatives but you know tether for example recently uh allowed onto its platform the FBI and the Secret Service to surveil users and just decide what wallets they can just shut down at will and have said that they they want to be um a key partner of the US in expanding dollar hemony globally um and you know ultimately Bitcoin was framed with something that's going to stop um irresponsible money Printing and Central Bank policy and government fiscal policy uh but what's happening right now is that there's efforts to basically use Bitcoin as a sync to hyperinflate into so basically uh to make it the greatest enabler ever of that IR responsible Central Bank policy and I think you know that's part of why you know this this effort to sort of dominate a lot of the infrastructure around Bitcoin the on andof ramps is why you're seeing people like black rocks Larry Frink changing his tune on bitcoin and allegedly Jamie d of JP Morgan has and all of these other Wall Street guys um because they they think it's something they can use and they can control and sure people can use and uh use it uh but the way they're trying to set it up and and impose it and develop regulations for it they're going to try and prevent the use cases where it actually would enable Freedom so for those you know that are in the Bitcoin Community or developers now is the time to try and uh develop solutions that hedge against that because again it's important to be vigilant in the Bitcoin Community just like so many other you know uh communities uh in sort of this effort to fight against um tyranny you know they're being told just sit back in your armchair relax trust the plan and Bitcoin because it's so great will magically solve all of these problems while you know they're basically making it this tool of the dollar and all of that um and that sort of effort to sell people into this complacent mindset is happening across the board and I think it's something we really really need to resist you know we're being led to sleep and it reminds me a lot of you know qanon in the Trump era where we just need to sit back and Trust the plan even though Trump is not keeping his campaign promises and doing things that are very against what he campaigned on um you know we need to hold our politicians to account we need to hold people in media to account and really you know just be I don't know have individual responsibility I feel like I'm just a broken record with that but I think it's again I think it's very important and at this point you know even if Bitcoin is co-opted I think there are things that can be done uh to use it sort of invert um what they're trying to do to it and and use it to sort of um counter aspects of what the elite are doing for example there's a you know technology that's a part of Bitcoin now that can be used to uh uncensor publish uh you know documents and distribute it to everyone with a Bitcoin node instantly and have it not be able to be erased we could make that uh you know use that as a way to really cut out the the social media censorship and make a make it so that important information gets out to people and there's other things that you know I'm focusing on bitcoin I guess but you know outside of Bitcoin there there are things we can do and there are Technologies we can develop and plenty of Alternatives we can make whether it's it's currency or or something else but it's it's time for people to focus on those Alternatives and focus on developing those Solutions um you know why it's still much easier to communicate freely because I think it's quite likely um that as we you know go into the next few years as we get closer to the year 2030 it's going to become harder to communicate online and people need to uh you know rapidly think about what we're going to do to face this stuff and a lot of it involves building alternative systems to change the subject slightly when you were talking there about um the way in which you know people you there there seem to be a coming together a a crystallizing of opposition to to tyranny in the in the immediate aftermath of of Co you know people you know seem to realize that there was you know there was something wrotten in the state of Denmark but uh but but then but then people started to sort of snap back into line be it around Ukraine or or whatever and with with that in mind why do you think it is that everyone let's say in the in the in the US presidential election sphere takes the same stance always on Israel you know there's always this lock step uh Israel is only right Israel is always right uh to what extent should we be aware of and worried about the APAC is really Lobby influence hegemony really over over American politics yeah well there's a lot to say there um and there's a lot of history there as well so what I mentioned in the beginning about the national crime syndicate and the Jewish mob and the Italian mafia um getting in bed very early with us intelligence keep in mind that isra was created in 1948 when all of that stuff was happening and the very same Jewish Mobsters involved with that in the United States were also sending a lot of uh weapons to the hagana which later uh morphed into the IDF when Israel was created and was sort of this paramilitary group that helped uh create Israel in Palestine and um you know a lot of those connections persisted and you had a lot of early CIA people be very um influential in the rise of Israel's National Security State uh that's why have like statues in Tel Aviv to CIA officials early CIA officials like James Jesus Angleton um and and things like that and that's why in a lot of past CIA scandals Iran Contra being a good example you have intimate CIA and Israeli involvement you know I would argue that that a lot of those intelligence organized cre crime like f factions the United State States work very closely in Israel because of that shared history ultimately a lot of the same organized crime networks uh dominate both countries and um you know AAC has become a major vessel for that again uh going back to Leslie Wexner who I've done a lot of work on uh most of APAC is populated with people that are uh former Wexner fellows you know he's been very focused on developing young global leaders since the 1980s and actually directly interfaces uh you know with the uh World economic Forum young Global leader program which is hosted at the Center for Public leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School uh which uh Wexner expressly created along with Jeffrey Epstein so you know a lot there's been a lot of influence of these organized crime linked billionaires um on us uh on us politics and they're also very influential in Israel as well a great example is also the bramman family um who uh you know dominated the early liquor industry after American prohibition ended they're Canadian uh they exploited a lot of loopholes the reason they were able to get their liquor across the border during prohibition is because of their connections to organized crime which persisted long after prohibition ended um and you know for example the Bromans are the people behind Justin Trudeau Steven bromfman is was his biggest uh the the arguably the most influential figure in his Rise um and you know the brothman are very influential in the US as well they've been tied to sex scandals like Nexium Edgar bromfman senior had a relationship allegedly with Jeffrey Epstein and as it relates to finances and that's why Epstein is said to have left Bear Sterns in the early 1980s um and uh you know there's a lot of these associations that unfortunately you have um an oligarchy that has a lot of influence in the United States and also um in Israel and unfortunately they conflate criticism of these uh people that are essentially the successors oligarch successors to the Jewish mob um as you know representing all Jewish people and if you criticize them you're framed as anti-semitic but it's actually I would argue anti-semitic to conflate uh or organized Crim link billionaires with all Jewish people I mean what and also like you know criticizing the Israeli state or criticizing U mad is framed as anti-semitic on occasion but that's like saying um if you criticize the CIA you're anti-American or if you criticize MI5 you're a anti- Brit you know I mean it doesn't make any sense on its face and these people are using um you know what has been historically a targeted ethnicity as a shield for you know crimes that they have committed and that's why I think ultimately none of the real benefactors of the Epstein Scandal are ever going to come to Justice and what The Client List and all of that stuff is never going to be made public um and it's because you know uh I mean we know so much about the Leslie wex or Epi relationship and literally nothing has been done to that man and nothing will be done um and I think that's a testament to how influential these people have um have become and their explicit efforts in in dominating um and in manipulating specifically you know uh the Jewish Community whether the US and in Israel uh Leslie Wexner is a man who bragged to New York Magazine about being de ically possessed and and then he went on to focus most of his quote unquote philanthropy on molding the minds of leaders of the Jewish American Community specifically and also in Israel and you know I I think that's I mean can you imagine if that happened like on the Christian side some a a Catholic billionaire that just brags about being demonically possessed going on to train Catholic priests and leaders of you know Catholic communities around the world um you know I think it makes no sense and unfortunately you know the the overuse of you know anti-Semitism which does exist um but the overuse of it is being used to protect people who need to be held accountable and unfortunately you know not necessarily saying that all of these people are of one ethnicity but the fact that these people these particular actors can be shielded from criticism the global or oligarchy uses them to advance agendas because you can be called a bigot for criticizing them and I think that unfortunately needs to change and I think in the US you know there's a lot of effort um to compromise our politicians I wrote an you know an extensive book looking at the use of sex blackmail um against American politicians and again this is something that the CIA and and also Israeli intelligence and really intelligence agencies all over the world Learned From the Mob because sex blackmail was something that the mob did back in the 20s and 30s and even before to expand their power and influence and it's worked very effectively for intelligence agencies since then um but then what I also argue in the book is that in the era of you know the technology um you know after the 2000s I guess and you know the use of technology and personal electronic devices becoming ubiquitous uh they don't really need to compromise us with sex blackmail they have access to our Communications they can blackmail us with things that they uh access from our devices or they can implant things on our devices that are incriminating even if they're not even ours and accuse us of things and and things like that um and so you know there's been efforts to Blackmail us for a long time and you know one faction of that certainly does is an outgrowth of the Jewish mob but it's much broader than that and again I would encourage people to look at this Union of organized crime and intelligence and realize that that's essentially um what's running the world um at this point and we don't want these people including people who ad say admitted like are proud of the fact that they think they're demonically possessed to be uh guiding where our world is going and and creating systems that they want to onboard everyone onto I mean it's complete Insanity and again going back to Silicon Valley why did every single Silicon Valley oligarch have a relationship with Jeffrey Epstein um you know why are more questions not asked about that it's truly U mind-boggling the two gole Co co-founders were subpoena as part of the Jeffrey Epstein JP Morgan uh case in the Virgin Islands so was Elon Musk Peter teal had extensive meetings with Jeffrey Epstein uh Reed Hoffman of LinkedIn uh and these are you know some are Republic donors some are Democrat donors why why do all these powerful people have all these relationships with a guy uh that was a sex blackmailer and I would also argue you know a a a very accomplished Financial criminal and currency Speculator which hasn't been a focus of Epstein reporting at all uh but these people engage in Brazen Financial crime and have gotten away with it uh for a very long time as part of this extensive wealth transfer uh from us to them and uh yeah I I'll stop there he it is interesting that um you know when you Jeffrey Epstein's name sits you right at the center of of so well of so many parts of the web you know there's so many connections there it's interesting that there clearly came a time when when his use was no more it's interesting that even even at the heart even people that are at the heart of these machinations these mellian figures they can end up you know facing the exit door for all time MH sure well you know I would I argued before that Jeffrey Epstein was really middle management uh the person he was mostly fronting for was Leslie wexter who's again never going to be held accountable uh for for anything there um and I think again um you know he a lot of the abstein Scandal they want you to focus so much on the salacious aspect uh the sex blackmail the human trafficking as aspect and I don't necessarily want to downplay that um either because it's obviously horrendous and horrible but I think there's been an effort to have uh the the focus exclusive on that and not on the other things he did uh which involve a lot of brazen Financial crime uh that has resulted and helped facilitate this massive wealth transfer for us to them um uh and I think uh you know some of my reporting on you know like when the JP Morgan EP case came out uh I wrote a piece on Jamie Diamond and it turns out he his rise to power to become head of JP Morgan was intimately influenced by Leslie Wexner himself and uh people that are intimately tied up with this group of uh you know organized crime linked billionaires that called themselves the mega group that includes the bramman and Wexner they co-founded it and and a handful of other billionaires that are responsible um for for Donald Trump and Barack Obama for their political careers and all of this I mean this is something that truly influences both parties and that's why I think in the United States unfortunately um so many politicians are are completely beholden to Israel and very willing to overlook you know the war crimes that Israel commits and also you know the fact that Israel has been very aggressive um Nation against the United States when it comes to espionage um actually from the Edward Snowden documents uh there was one that that ranked uh the most aggressive uh you know Espionage countries engage engaging in aggressive Espionage against the United States and Israel was number three after Russia and China why is that and um you know documented instances of them um stealing you know important military technology I wrote a lot about that as it related to EP visits to the Clinton White House in the 1990s um efforts to directly send um American sensitive American Military technology to China through Israel and all of this and I would argue that a big part of this um excuse me uh goes back to something that was actually charted out by Samuel pisar who was a very close friend of Robert Maxwell uh back in the early 70s um he testified before Congress that what was going on in the early 70s was what he called uh the rise of the trans ideological iCal Corporation where essentially he said Western capital and Eastern Capital so the state-owned companies of then communist Russia and China were merging with Western capital and that they were Building A system that was making the nation state IR relevant and he told this to Congress in the 1970s a congressman asked them if this was a bad thing and he was like not necessarily you know and this is someone who was very much in bed um with both the KGB and the CIA and also uh Israeli intelligence and was you know one of the closest figures to Robert Maxwell who helped helped affect a lot of those things as it relates the technology transfer um in other things while he was alive and his uh his children uh the twins uh Christine and Isabelle as well as galain and Kevin and Ian intimately involved in all that after his death and this is something that of course goes well beyond peace aren just the Maxwells I think that's ultimately what has been happening um and you essentially have this I think that helps explain why uh you have um so many of these uh billionaires in the US including ones that back uh you know someone that frames himself as a China Hawk like Trump people like Larry Fin and Steven schwarzman big backers of trump so intimately tied up with China for example um you know there's a lot of um cap you know these connections of transnational Capital not enough people follow the money and focus on this rhetoric they want us focus on it you know sort of the more superficial geop political level um but ultimately you know these people are all enacting biometric digital ID uh programmable surveill money whether it's cbdcs or a private sector equivalent um and are all you know on board with the sustainable development goals in agenda 2030 which if you're familiar uh with who wrote them and who developed agenda 2030 and the sustainable development goals it's people like Mike Bloomberg a billionaire and Mark Carney uh Goldman Sachs Career Central Banker um also probably a billionaire um and and you know it's Banker designed it's a way for uh you know just complete control of the populace complete Financial surveillance complete surveillance of everything you do and with the goal if you listen to people like you all knowah Harari of putting that surveillance inside your body um you know it's it's complete Madness and um you know I would really hope that people oh sorry no no just what you're saying there just toward towards the end there um it's so anti-human you know antihuman is is a description that many many people using the the the blatant rise or return of a kind of a eugenicist Neo malthusian uh you know anti anti-pop agenda is so clear you know that if if the if if 2030 if agenda 2030 is enacted it will in all likelihood be the the premeditated murder of half the population of the planet and yet it's being it's being pushed it's being pushed in this uh in this cold-blooded premeditated way that I I do I do Wonder at the extent to which we have unconsciously inadvertently created an ecosystem on planet Earth in which thrives and Rises to the top a a parasitic uh Psychopathic class that is is apart from money and power is motivated by just I don't know some kind of fear of fellow humankind and a and a shared conviction that they would do better if they had to look at many many fewer of us yeah I think that's part of it I but I think the you know this Eugenics ideology that you point out as making a comeback has its antecedants in a lot of these groups in Elite Britain in the early 20th century and also late 19th century and also in the United States and they sort of came together um but a lot of infu influential people were members of those uh so for example you know the science fiction author HG Wells was one of these prominent eugenicists of that era and he wrote um and and stated things like you know eventually uh when this eugenic stuff comes to fruition the human species is going to split and you're going to have the elite who are intelligent tall and attractive and then the lower class is going to be these squat like goblins who are intellectually stunted and cognitively incapable of doing what they can do now and they eat bugs what do you know um and it seems like they've been sort of leading us on this path and I don't think it's so much that they're antihuman they're anti- uh well well it is anti-human in the sense that they're not anti antium in the sense about when it's applied to themselves and other Elites but people that aren't part of their Club they view uh as you know worse than dirt and so the idea is to sort of uh shape people to become uh what their Twisted vision of the lower classes is to actually become that like physically and mentally and emotionally and we're being manipulated into that unfortunately and so this explosion of uh you know uh efforts to sort of uh you know genetically manipulate us and mentally manipulate us with AI which is re reaching unprecedented levels and Henry Kissinger and Eric Schmidt say on their book on AI that the end result of AI is going to be the people that are dependent on it for algorithms are going to become cognitively diminished to the point that they can't live without Ai and there will be a splitting of the species just like hgw says into the people who are capable of understanding Ai and the people who are CA not capable and the people who are capable of understanding it are the people that program and develop AI or who sustain the people that program and maintain it and then the other lower class the people that the AI acts upon who are becoming cognitively diminished and will be unable to understand what AI is doing to them and what is happening to them at all and this I mean it's it's it's frankly very disturbing and a lot of these groups um these Eugenics groups never really went away um the earliest days of the world economic Forum intimately tied up with the with the club of Rome um which is an outgrowth of this other grou

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