stop expecting people to change, that's your job

6 months ago

just thought i'd give you this
dogs love car rides
melissa is not the greatest allman bros song, it's actually jessica but they're all so good
we didn't stop at that stop sign
therapists n art exist for the same reason
people don't communicate outta the fear of being invalidated
i'm pretty good at gauging how receptive people are
i really don't have hope in human beings for the most part
you have to care about sumin enough to be uncomfortable
did you know it was possible to turn this the fuck off if you don't agree w/ it
i apologize to the people i care about
sometimes we come across oppositionally to what we meant
i never wanna make anybody feel bad tho so if i do i'm sorry
narcissism explains everything
if you can't understand boundaries you suck as a human being
some people have never had a good example
i tried to warn him about this bitch but he had sex w/ her so...
we can all contradict ourselves w/ our words but actions are all that really matters
when you share an intimate experience like that it is literally impossible not to be affected by it, many are in denial
both men n women have all the power in their pants
men were originally the ones to do this
adultery n pornography became more acceptable in the seventies
thanks to birth control, simps can get laid
there ain't no such thing as a bdpd being good for anybody
what are you gonna do if...
raise yer kids damnit
they've normalized promiscuity so that people don't value having kids n what that means
one of the main reasons why i was so fascinated by mental illness from a very young age...
i've always acknowledged my feelings n this has consistently been a problem
even if you're a piece a shit i will still listen to you cos i hate being invalidated
talkin in my ghetto voice, can you tell i'm mad
my parents definitely hovered but that's okay, we forgive
the longer i've lived the more i've grown to appreciate what they attempted to do for me growing up
just cos they fucked you up doesn't mean that they meant to
our narcissism convinces us that people are out to get us
it took me a long time to understand my dad
in the end it became positive
it's better to pity people than hold a grudge against them
whatever the reason they are the way that they are
hopefully your personal growth will inspire somebody
bettering yourself will better the world
living a virtuous life is extremely difficult in this world
expect to be constantly confronted by people that try to bring you back down to their level
this friend of mine has a tremendous work ethic which is probably also why he is an alcoholic
all it takes is one crazy bitch to bring yer ass down
chronic emptiness n lack of purpose is why people drink so much
alcoholism is a cheap way to kill yourself
he was joking but totally serious
nobody can rescue anybody else
women are supposed to do the chasing not men

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