The Biggest Critic and Supporter of You, Is You - a daily inspiration

6 months ago

August 28 - The Biggest Critic and Supporter of You, Is You - a daily inspiration
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We may get upset at what others say about us. Spend countless hours, days, weeks, or more judging them for judging us. Yet what others say to us is of much less importance than what we continuously say to ourselves. No one in this world will speak to you more, or criticize you more, during your lifetime, than you will. You, and the words and thoughts you use when speaking to yourself should be your primary focus of understanding, concern, and correction. Today we make a conscious effort to be more respectful of ourselves. We start minimizing or eliminating self-defeating thoughts and words, replace them with self-enhancing thoughts and words. The more supportive we are of ourselves, the less others opinions will affect us. Today we remember that the person we see in the mirror is simply a physical manifestation, representation, and reflection of the thoughts and words we think and speak about ourselves, and thus support as real within our minds.
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