XB1X Quake II Remastered G5, 2P local splitscreen Team Deathmatch on Munitions Dump, Tech powerups.

6 months ago

Many passages and smaller rooms can be good for Ion Ripper. Which I had fun using. But I think I started to finally get the hand of the Tech powe ups. They differ from the others in that they last forever. But one is struck with the first one grabbed. Vid timeline:

(0:00) Intro.

(0:34) Match begins.


Game settings:


Run Attract Demos: Yes.
Weapon Hand: Right.
Change Weapon on Pickup: Smart.
Auto Power Shield: Auto.
Always Run (Controller): No.
View Bob: Yes.
Display HUD: Yes.
Teammate Indicators: Yes.
Hit Markers: Yes.

Crosshair Settings:

Style: 3.
Scale: 10.
Alpha: 10.
Red: 10.
Green: 10.
Blue: 10.

Level Select: Team Deathmatch.
Use Map List: Off.
Map: MGDM1: Munitions Dump.
Q2DM8: Warehouse.

Bot Settings:
Minimum Players: 6
Bot Skill: Training.
Enable Bot Chat: Yes.

Mode Settings:
Time Limit: 20.
Frag Limit: 30.
Game Modifier: Random Weapons.
Friendly Fire: Off.
Instant Weapon Switch: Off.
Weapon Stays: Off.
Weapon Respawn Time: 60.
Automatic Teams: Off.
Allow Grapple Hook: Off.
Allow Techs: On.
Infinite Ammo: No.
Falling Damage: Yes.
Instant Items: No.
Spawn Health: Yes.
Spawn Powerups: Yes.
Spawn Armor: Yes.
Spawn Mines: Yes.
Spawn Antimatter Bombs: Yes.
Drop Quad Damage on Death: No.
Drop Dualfire on Death: No.

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