The Words We Use Will Lead Us to the Life We Create - a daily inspiration

6 months ago

August 15 - The Words We Use Will Lead Us to the Life We Create - a daily inspiration
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Let us become more conscious of the words we use. Not only the words we are verbalizing, but also what we are internally saying to ourselves. Words are simply verbal manifestations of thoughts. By verbalizing what we are thinking and feeling we can recognize what road we are taking and whose directions we are following. When we are following and listening to the ego, our words are nasty, hurtful, and filled with judgment and sarcasm. When we are following and listening to our true self our words are kind, graceful, generous, and loving. By being in the moment and paying attention to what we are saying to ourselves, we can see a perfectly clear map of whose directions we are following and what kind of world we are creating. Today we practice noticing the words we use, catching ourselves quicker and quicker when traveling the ego’s path, stopping, and then consciously choosing to change directions.
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