What are the Best Freestanding Pullup Bars For YOU

6 months ago

What are the Best Freestanding Pullup Bars For YOU , today I will be looking at the pull up mate 2 , the k sport pull up and dip bar and also the hot gym portable pull up bar. I will talk about the pros and cons for each of these pull up bars so you can decide which is best for you.

Freestanding pull up bars are great especially for people that cannot use the doorframe pullup bar. This maybe because your doorframe doesn't support one or you rent and don't want to damage it, this is where freestanding are the best pull up bar for you. Some freestanding pullup bars are fixed and others are portable pull up bars and these have the benefit of you being able to take them and train anywhere anytime. I will discuss free of the freestanding pull up bars I have, 2 of them being portable pull up and dip bars and let you know which I think are the best and for what reason.

Ill leave videos to the product reviews I have done so if you need more info the information will be down below

equipment review playlist

k sport pull up bar

k sport pull up bar with dip bars

freestanding pull up bar

doorframe pull up bars duonamic eleviia

muscle up bar

Pull up mate 2 versus Pullup and dip Which is BETTER? Best Portable Pull up and Dip bar

Hot Gym Freestanding Portable Pull Up Bar Review

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