Forsyth County Georgia Board of Education - Jere Krischel - 07/16/2024

4 months ago

First, my deepest condolences to the family of Corey Comperatore, who was murdered on July 13, 2024 in an act of partisan political violence. He died shielding his family from an assassin’s bullets, aimed at the head of our president Donald Trump. By the grace of God, Corey was the only casualty that day.

It may seem like political violence in a distant state has nothing to do with our Forsyth County School District, but sadly, the roots of this political violence started in the classroom, with leftist indoctrination that has bled into our institutions over the past four decades. Forsyth County has resisted this over the years, and we cannot be complacent in our opposition to those who want to tear everything down.

When we teach some of our children that when they fail, it's due to racism, but when other children fail, it's that kid's fault, we plant seeds of resentment. When our compassion for a child with mental illness, leads us to lack compassion for girls forced to share private spaces with them, we make our most vulnerable into victims. When our concern for some small fraction of children, that struggle with their sexuality, compels us to expose all children to every form of kink imaginable, we destroy the fabric of innocence.

Add to all of that, the strategy of demonizing people who disagree with these dogmas as fascist, or Hitler, or racist, or xenophobic, or homophobic, or some other type of deplorable, followed up by the insistence that not only are words violence, but even "silence is violence", it's no wonder that some people might actually follow that logic to it's violent conclusion.

Of course, the counter reaction can also be incendiary - even if the term "groomer" fits the crime of normalizing sexual content with children, it can unfairly imply that someone is a pederast, or is physically exploiting children. A clear distinction should be made between LGBTQ activists named "Zulock" who adopt children and rape them, and LGBTQ activists who just like kids to read naughty books, or watch naughty drag queen shows.

I'm very grateful that the Forsyth County School District recognized early on many excesses of the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity curriculum that was being prepared for them by leftist groups. And I'm grateful for all of the conservative and liberal faculty and staff in our district who do believe in merit, personal responsibility, and the focus on natural diversity, rather than artificial diversity.

I'm also very grateful, for all the liberal people who come here every month to speak their peace, without resorting to speech inciting violence by demonizing their intellectual opposition, even if one time someone brought Nazi gingerbread. I love you all, and would love to buy you lunch sometime.

In that spirit, I would humbly ask each Board member, to find someone who doesn't vote like you, and take them out to lunch. This could be your spouse, your friend, your sibling, or, even me. Our problems may have been caused by mass media propaganda, but the solution will only happen with one personal connection at a time.

And so on that note, thank you very much for your time, and again, I'd love to buy lunch for anyone who disagrees with me.

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