CIA=Created Group to Control Everything. Question Everything!!!

5 months ago

911 I questioned all of it within months after it happened..none of the story made any common sense. And I knew at that time almost all wars were created and both sides were in on it. That is why 70% of our history books are lies or missing important information. Who wrote the book, who wrote the article, why people who were their speaks out come up missing, why are they not allowed to question? Look close to everything, they do something, they create something which has errors in their plan, the media mockingbird says what you are to know..calling them experts, Then it is shut down, never to be talked about but what they told you , put in the history books and it is over, next generations after know no different. It is so easy when you control everything. Look how many things came to truth decades later. CIA even created Hollywood and controlled it as mind control in movies and greed. They were Operation Paperclip and more. We are their experiment.

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