Donald Trump calls Kamala Harris: “Comrade Kamala”

6 months ago

Kamala Harris is laying out a Communist manifesto to fix an economy she created with Biden’s destructive economic policies. It’s amazing how uneducated the people are that support her Marxist proposals.

What about her proposal to give away free $25,000 wads of cash as gifts to first time homebuyers. It sounds good but she fails to identify where this $25,000 will come from.

The builders won’t cough up this money so a $400,000 home becomes a $425,000 home. Perhaps she will print this money or borrow it from her pals in Communist China which only adds to our inflation.

Communist Venezuela has been controlling prices since 2003 which resulted in food shortages and even more critical medical supplies are now always in short supply.

Venezuela was the 4th wealthiest nation in the world until the Marxists took power under Hugo Chávez. Now Venezuela is a poverty stricken third world nation.

H/T Benny Johnson

BENNY ON X: @bennyjohnson

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