Israeli & Palestinian Activists Come Together

1 month ago

At the 2019 AIPAC Policy Conference, many protesters rallied outside to voice their opposition to the State of Israel. Most were vehemently against any form of Jewish empowerment and were not interested in any sort of dialogue that included talking about Jewish rights, suffering, or aspirations.

After spending hours debating individuals from different backgrounds, we finally came across a young Palestinian independent activist who was willing to engage in dialogue focused on building a better future for all peoples living in the region.

Today, most activists, or individuals in power, use one group's suffering as a tool to attack the other side and illustrate their vision of the future as a zero-sum game. In other words, most who are "pro-Palestinian" are actually just anti-Israel and use the Palestinian cause to mask their true intentions, and most who are "pro-Israel" never actually learn about Palestinian struggles nor take their future as human beings into consideration.

Although there was plenty that the two of us disagreed on, we were also able to find a lot of common ground, especially on our outlook for the region's future and bringing both sides together.

To resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it will take both the Israelis and the Palestinians. Those currently in power have no interest in changing the status quo, so change can only truly begin with the people, particularly the younger generation.

It is the responsibility of those who live in the region to write a better future and to understand that life will only get better for one side when the other side is no longer the antagonist of their own storyline.

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Video Produced by Leibman Productions
In collaboration with J-TV: Jewish Ideas. Global Relevance.

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