Nazi Destroyed By Proud Jew

6 months ago

Outside of the 2019 AIPAC Policy conference, a Nazi by the name of Chris Dorsey showed up to broadcast his evil ideology and to let the world know that he believes that “all Jews should be lawfully executed”.

It is important to comprehend that he is not just one “crazy person” that should be ignored and disregarded. He is one of many thousands who hold such views, which are currently lurking in the shadows waiting for a time to come where they can act upon their beliefs.

Freedom of speech is a very important part of today’s modern societies. However, no one should be free from the social consequences that come from such hate speech. In other words, Chris and his minions should have the freedom to say what they want, but the society as a whole must reject his ideas and those alike should suffer the social consequences for holding such views.

While today’s Nazis are working to change minds and to bring masses closer to their ideas, what are we doing? It was not too long ago in Europe that too many said “nothing would happen”, “just ignore them”, “don’t worry, this is just temporary” or “there is nothing we can do about it”.

Anti-Semitism grows because it is allowed to grow. It is the responsibility of Jews and those who value humanity, to make sure that anti-Semitism is kept down, and if it begins to rise, it means we are failing.

Saying “Never Again”, does not mean that the Holocaust (or something like it) won’t happen again. Saying “Never Again” is taking the commitment in each generation to make sure that nothing remotely close to Jewish persecution ever happens again.

Anti-Semitism exists on both extremities, on the far-right and on the far-left. Jews are accused of being the “evil controlling-capitalists” in one breath and the “horrible globalist-communists” in another. We see anti-Semitism spreading again today, but nothing is new. We do not need to relearn the lessons that our grandparents’ generations learned the hard way.

It is our time to make a stand, to strengthen and to empower the youth, to take the next chapter of Jewish history in our hands, and to ideologically destroy any movement that seeks to limit or persecute our identity, people, rights and aspirations.
Am Israel will Chai, but it is our job to maximize the ‘Chai’ (LIFE) and to minimize the ‘Mavet’ (DEATH).

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Video Produced by Leibman Productions
In collaboration with J-TV: Jewish Ideas. Global Relevance.

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