Polygamous Countries - Where You Get Free Housing And Allowances

6 months ago

Brought to you by #BlackSunEmpyre a must watch for reality. Polygamous Countries - Where You Get Free Housing And Allowances https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-zUQccN8Gj/?igsh=NXRjZGpmeW9yZzNp

- i can’t really put it into words that well but there’s a constant war going on in my head but when i’m with you, my problems just seem to disappear... JUST KIDDING! Nah you don't. I forgot your name even check this out fuktard.
Polygamous Countries - Where You Get Free Housing And Allowances
Hello everyone! Can you believe there are countries that will pay men and even provide money for buying a house if you marry a local woman?

- this is a curse Erik Plott put on the matrix and is why he said this is the easiest time for us Alpha males to wed several women at once.
It's now more common listen to this girl explain why Erik is polygamous here https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9i8ehFtvRz/?igsh=dnZvcTltOWJsc3U3

Girl compliments Erik and then it gets jealous guy to start shit here https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9jJbYitKGG/?igsh=MWRrMXg0cmE1N2lheg==

Come stay at Erik Plotts air Bnb here https://www.facebook.com/share/p/eeZx7ybceYA5hHjV/?

As we know, gender balance is crucial for the development of any society. However, in some countries, various factors have led to a significant disparity in the ratio of men to women. This has resulted in a “shortage” of men, making them more “valuable” in the marriage market.
These countries are not unfamiliar to us, such as Japan and South Korea. These places are home to attractive and charming East Asian women, and if you successfully marry a local woman, you could receive a substantial amount of money, up to $210,000, to build your future together. Another fantastic country is Italy, which even offers houses for just 1 euro to any man who marries a local woman.
Let’s explore 16 of these “promised lands” where men are provided with homes and financial incentives if they marry local women

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