Pedo Pope Francis Orders To Follow 'Universal Bishop' Pedo Klaus Schwab During 'End Times'!

5 months ago

Yeah Controlled Opposition PRO 'Virus' Gatekeeper 'The People's Voice' is STILL Pushing 'Viruses' and they also like and trust Pedophile Psyop Donald J. Trump.

"Those who tells the Stories, Rule Society!" Plato (423-348 BC)

"The Best Lies Contain The Most Truth!" - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

'The Best Way to Control the Opposition, is to Lead it Ourselves!' - Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924)

Research this: Has 'The People's Voice' EVER made a Video who proof that No 'Virus' NEVER has been scientifically 'isolated' and does NOT Exists?

Has 'The People's Voice' EVER made a Video who proof who Pedophile Psyop Donald J. Trump really are?

Both Fucking Documented and Confirmed!

Ask yourself Fucking why?

Don't they want people to know the Truth?

Is that 'The People's Voice' ?

And again another 'Coincidence'?

There is NO such thing as a Fucking 'Coincidence'!
The People's Voice
6 hours ago

The world has entered the end times according to PEDOPHILE Pope Francis who claims this means it is vital for everybody in the world to submit to SATANIC World Economic Forum PEDOPHILE founder Klaus Schwab and accept his PEDOPHILE agenda.

According to PEDOPHILE Pope Francis, PEDOPHILE Klaus Schwab has been appointed “universal bishop” because his plan to restore nature to its position of primacy in the world order means he is more relevant figure than Jesus Christ in 2024.

PEDOPHILE Pope Francis’ comments have caused outrage in the PEDOPHILE Vatican with many PEDOPHILE archbishops calling for his head, but given the disturbing facts coming out about the PEDOPHILE Jesuit pope, should we really be surprised by his support for PEDOPHILE Schwab’s Nazi-style eugenics and depopulation programs?

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