i'm the result of irresponsible sex so if that explains anything...

6 months ago

how bout we just go w/ another chord
i am smarter than the rest of em
i can admit whatever narcissism is in me
nothin i haven't analyzed into the ground
the universal visual of apathy
the very few that are willing to do more than the bare minimum
i ain't quitting no matter what it seems
maybe people ain't that deep
nobody's gonna stop ya from doin what everyone is doin
drinking n driving is the only bad behavior that is taken seriously in america
i know that every situation is different
you lemme know all the stuff i don't need to know but i reckon you probably feel the same way about me
they've already given up
why would anybody wanna live in this world
i'm living my reasons for everything
i focus on the cracks in my head so i need a lift
if you actually apply the Bible you will get called schizophrenic
the point of the Bible is transformation
if the Scripture backs me up then what has anyone got on me
i don't study the Bible to win some imaginary contest
if i miss a day, i make up for it
rolling my eyes at the man in my head
trying to be comfortable w/ myself w/out the keyboard on stage
the good people i just always assume that if they're not commenting they are doing sumin pretty cool w/ their real life that doesn't involve the internet
the bad people on here are just trolling somebody else if it ain't me
teal swan all day
energy vampires can keep you from yer energy source
i don't even wanna give em a cool name like that cos they're really not interesting enough
if i'm saying that you are a headcase you know it must be pretty bad haha
she's too funny to be a narcissist tho
narcissists always think they're funny but you can't be funny w/out self-awareness
those w/out self-awareness can't see what would be expedient for them
they can only feel the result of the aftermath
you can't do shit about what you won't claim so i expect more of the same
they feed on all the drama, always starting shit
they think they're gonna receive a trophy for their trauma or whatever
see how easy it is for me to screw it all up
this outlet is a life saver
they call this music therapy
if i'm ever depressed i can always get high
marijuana is an anti-depressant that doesn't suppress your conscience
violence has increased in all the states where marijuana was legalized
my mental illness has been checked multiple x not just by me but by actual professionals
peeing outside is not that weird, man
i wish that more people would take sex seriously
nobody asked to be born tho
there needs to be a questionnaire for these babies
everyone is so boring these days
i gave up on this country awhile ago but that don't mean that i won't do whatever i can to help my people
i've always sided w/ the immigrants' view of us
more ways to make $ means more ways to take $

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