艾雲尼強力止痛消炎劑 Avini Plus Relief

6 months ago

The scientist Rik Deitsch explains how this homeopathic pain drug, Plus Relief, is safe, nonnarcotic, nonaddictive, effective for pain control, and an effective anti-inflammation agent. It is made of natural genuine venom from Asian Cobra Snake, diluted 10,000 times.
科學家 里克迪解釋這這天然的止痛藥 [強力止痛消炎劑] 是如何安全、非麻醉性、非成癮性、有效地控制疼痛以及有效的抵抗炎症。它是由亞洲眼鏡蛇的天然純毒液稀釋 10,000 倍製成。營養健康顧問: 假如想知道如何可以購買這產品又沒有人可以幫助你,大可電郵聯絡: 88Sozo@gmail.com. Please go back to the person who sent you this link. If you have no one to go back to and want to find out more about the products, please contact us by sending an email to 88sozo@gmail.com.

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