MR. NON-PC: Personalities Not Policies In Politics

6 months ago

Since we've been in the PCE (Post CovidCult Era) there has definitely been a downward trend with both Republicans and Democrats alike. And that downward trend is the evasive nature of ignoring THEIR POLICIES and instead "focusing on their personalites" which is beyond ABSURD!!!

Why can't the majority of PC-Peepz who gobble their PC-Poop realize that THE COVIDCULT was A BRIDGE TOO FAR for these rotten politicians ON BOTH SIDES!!!??

And instead, the PC-Peepz "play the lame game" that is foisted upon then by discussing "personalities" while COMPLETELY AVOIDING THEIR GENOCIDAL RECORDS!!!!!

Their RECORDS speak for themselves and more importantly, and it's LONG PAST TIME for them to ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR FAILURES. And guess what.....THEY FAIL AT EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH!!!

It's long past time to WALK AWAY FROM THE ROTTEN POLITICS!!!!

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