How They Kept Prisons Full of the innocent

4 months ago

The Attorney Generals in each state – the highest attorneys in the land, don’t know what they are doing because they weren’t taught law in law schools. All Attorneys are taught in law schools are how to fill out forms. They depend on their law clerks and 'Case Laws' to conduct research -- which is nothing but someone's opinion.

-Under the OLD LAW SYSTEM, British Crown Judges not only owned prisons but were paid around $95,000 (per case) in commissions from your Birth Certificate Bond Money to find you guilty. Prosecuting Attorneys were paid around $50,000 (per charge). They would split their commissions with YOUR ATTORNEY or pay him/her $40,000 to get you to take a 'Plea Deal.' Don't forget the $25,000 that you paid YOUR ATTORNEY to keep you out of prison. Many prisoners are 'innocent'. Three (3) signatures—the judge, prosecuting attorney, and YOUR ATTORNEY—are needed to send you to jail.

We are preparing to go under a NEW LAW SYSTEM—'Constitutional' and 'Common Laws'—where we will follow the Constitution. You will be 'Sovereign' and FREE. Per the Chevron Doctrine, British Crown Judges and Lawyers will need to be RETRAINED and SWORN IN under the Constitution. Also, per the Chevron Doctrine, Police Departments have to CLOSE DOWN and go under the jurisdiction of Sheriff's Departments -- then be RETRAINED and SWORN IN under the Constitution. Learn more at

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