UK Tyranny 2024

6 months ago

Aaron Leeves UK Tyranny 2024

The Moment AUTHORITIES Declares "Emergency" ... They make sure THEY Control the Narrative, Censoring Common Sense & Critical Thinking

Authorities excluded being fact-checked, claiming fighting "disinformation". Not held accountable for their own false claims! 🤔

None of the UNELECTED undemocratic European Commission (WEF/Bilderberg) stooges represent the will of "we the people"! ...

VERY SIMILAR to the Politburo aka "Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union" also unelected & undemocratic tyrannical control freaks of the pathetic parasite class.

What is worse?

01. People who work for mainstream media afraid to ask the hard questions?

02. People who work for mainstream media refuse to ask the hard questions?

03. People who work for mainstream media acting dumb, thus NOT asking the hard questions?

04. People who work for mainstream media are actually too dumb to ask the hard questions?

05. People who work for mainstream media deciding what pushed (tunnel vision) "narratives" to (blindly) follow, and of course, almost always without any hard questions.

06. People who pay them to do most, or all, of the above!

07. People who believe what the mainstream media claims without using their own discernment skills.

08. People who believe mainstream media as their only "trusted source" digesting "correct narratives" spoon-fed to them ... repeating it like a dumb parrot to their friends/family/colleagues network.

09. People who uses mainstream sources (corrupt "fact-checkers" sites included) to judge & condemn Alternative Media Networks.

10. People who do not want to be held accountable for their own quality of "thinking", reasoning, judging etc. etc.


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