The Master Teacher #33 Energy Vlog

6 months ago

The Master Teacher #33 Energy Vlog Title is from the date August 17, 2024 thus we have the six the Lovers card a harmonious relationship a intuitive balanced partnership though it can also indicate backroom deals or had shakes.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News shows us three amplitudes, the first a power of 55 at 5:15 AM UTC thus Justice does bring Karmic change. The second amplitude a power of 75 at 7:00AM UTC thus the Chariot mose swiftly across the battlefield to rescue the Hanged Man to aqid his change of perspective on the sacrifice he has made. The third amplitude power of 52 at 11:15 AM UTC Thus we have the Star with hope and clarity shows us the chariots path through the battlefield is bringing victory to the good side. The quality power of 16 The Tower card bringing us big Karmic change swiftlyu like a lightning strike.

Space WEather site showed us a M class flare. The Solar wind density of 10 protons per centimeter. The Solar wind Speed is 450 kilometers per second (KPS). The solar wind temperature is a piping hot 100,000 Kelvin. The KP index of geomagnetic activity started at a level of 1.3 thus the emperor it then dropped to .25 the chariot then a 3.25 the wheel of fortune, then two ones and rise to 3.25. Then a rise to 6.25 brings us death and rebirth and a major geomagnetic storm for three hours to caqlm down to a minor geo storm to end the day
Ashalla's Psychic tarot show started of with two aces a ace of pentacles and the ace of cups pretty auspicious.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news siteP:
Space Weather site:
Psychic Tarot show with Ashala:

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