NT Framework 59: Good Angels and Fallen Angels Strategies/Role in History

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SBC Family,

I had a good trip. Saw some beautiful things. God some good relaxation. While I was gone I thought through Acts & Paul's Epistles. 99% of the Christian life is meditating on what you know. I didn't read these books (till we were flying home and I read four of Paul's epistles). I've been putting them to memory as best I can and doing my best to put together the big picture. I plan to take the fruits of that thought experiment next Sunday (Aug 25) as we prepare the background for the next event in the Framework which will begin with Acts 2 and the origin of the church. It will mean we are covering 15 books in 1 hour, so I'll have 3-4 minutes per book. I'm excited about that and I hope you are too.

Tomorrow! More about angels. We said you can't write history without angels and we already started with angelic involvement in the pre-Flood world. I added some notes on that section since last week, especially on the issue of the sons of God in Gen 6:1-4. I added the three major views, criticisms, and responses to those criticisms. I will not be teaching through that again, but I want you to have the information. One author named Pieters said about the passage, “What does he [Moses] mean? I do not know, and I do not believe anyone knows. So far as I am concerned, this passage is unintelligible.” It certainly is not easy.

We will focus on Angel's involvement with Israel's history and then Satan's strategy in organized warfare against God, good angels, and men. It will keep us busy and interested. History is more than meets the eye. There are invisible agents influencing like wind influences our weather patterns. It is not circumstantial that angels are likened to the physical wind and it's effects! Boy is the world lost in the winds. We will finalize things with the angelic conflict. I pray we have fun tomorrow looking at angels and postulating what we can and just marveling at what we can't understand.

See the attachment. Pray for Israel. Pray for the Church, especially pastors who may be leading their flock astray. We live in dark times, anti-semitic times, lawless times, and the lawless one is on the horizon, but look up because our salvation draws near!




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