DNC Convention - Predictive Programming and Planned Color Revolutions

1 month ago

"We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director

Looks like 2024 is the year of planned martial law beta testing and continued efforts to advance Agenda 2030.

Remember that we just saw fake riots and claims of the outbreak of civil war in the UK after the fake mass stabbing in Southport and the fake stabbing in Leicester Square. That was followed by declarations of advancing the police state in the UK.

That appears to be part of the plan for 2024.

Fake riots, fake demonstrations, fake protest groups, divide and conquer, efforts to implement martial law, all part of the movie they have planned for 2024.

They probably have a few more fake mass shootings with AR15’s planned before the election and some racial conflict psyops also.


By the way, civil war is when people are fighting for control over the government, not when citizens are destroying buildings or fighting each other.

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