7 Keys for understanding Revelation - Key 2 - The 7 Seals - Part 1

6 months ago

Key 1 was about the 24 elders. Key 2, the four horses, coming forth at the first four seals, are to be understood as powerful human forces, driven from the spiritrial realm, eiter by Jesus (the white horse) or by satan (the red, black and pale horse). Only Jesus can achieve lasting victory. Only satan can bring death and destruction to humanity.

This video is Part 1, on the first two seals, the white and the red horse.

Bible texts:
Revelation 6:1-4
Revelation 7:1-9
Mathew 24:14
Mathew 18:7
Zechariah 6:1-5

Anton Bruckner: Symphony No.4, Part 1
Jerry Goldsmith: First Knight

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