How sad is this?

7 months ago

autumnreyxo - this is terrible. No apology. No trying to help her. Just laughing. Dancing at her expense as she lays there on the ground. Then you pin it to the top of your profile with a picture of her body as the thumbnail on the floor like you’re so proud of it! 😔
Young people used to respect their elders …now they just laugh when they hit the ground!
Disgusting behavior - all just to get views that funnel traffic to your at home porn site! 🤢🥴
Sold your soul to the devil! No wonder you have no remorse or common decency.
If that would’ve been my wife’s grandma, she would’ve ripped your head off.
Just so you know, quality humans will never go near people like you. The consequences of your actions will leave you trapped around bottom feeders that are the worst types of people in the world. 🗑️ 💩

So cruel & heartless. The whole thing from start to finish is sad. 😔

What is wrong with this world?

Hard to sit back and not call this stuff out - the trends and trajectory is becoming alarming at best. Countless horror stories, record teenage depression & suicide. 😔 This stuff is so important to understand because before you know it - it’s infecting your own family.

This does not end well.

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